
Global systemic crisis 全球系統性危機

國際可持續性發展組織—Future Earth在2020重新定義「全球生態系統危機」。隨著更多的極端氣候頻發,生物多樣性系統面臨崩潰,而糧食危機以及氣候暖化更是不容小覷。這些危機交互影響及惡化,對我們賴以生存的地球帶來重大威脅。 


糧食危機:food insecurity


淨零碳排放:net-zero emissions

氣候政策:climate policy

Al Jazeera Media Network:沙漠蝗蟲大軍襲擊非洲之角,全球糧食即將拉緊報

The swarms of billions of locusts have been destroying crops in Kenya, which hasn't seen such an outbreak in 70 years. The insects have exploited favourable wet conditions after unusually heavy rains and experts say climate change is expected to bring more of the same. UN warned that 13 million people already face severe food insecurity.


The early arrival of springtime warmth has many downsides for the natural world and for humans. Rising temperatures in the springtime signal plants and animals to come alive. Across the United States and worldwide, climate change is steadily disrupting the arrival and interactions of leaf buds, cherry blossoms, insects, and more. Earlier springs can devastate valuable farm crops.

BBC news:英國決議2025年達成溫室氣體零排放,歐盟計畫統一「綠色協議」

Another positive sign is Britain's commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, despite political upheaval and divisions caused by the country's decision to leave the European Union. Even in a really difficult political situation there is common ground to do something quite radical, adding that with Europe now talking about its own Green Deal, the region could reunite, at least around climate policy.

Financial Crisis 金融危機



股市熔斷機制:circuit breaker


工資稅:payroll tax

刺激方案:stimulus package 

經濟:economy / economic

New York Post:美國股市六天內熔斷三次,白宮出手救經濟

The Dow and S&P indexes fell into bear-market territory amid growing panic about the coronavirus. The S&P fell sharply enough to trigger market circuit-breakers and briefly halt trading three times within six trading days. The bounce back came amid reports that the Trump administration would push for an $850 billion stimulus package including a payroll tax cut and $50 billion in aid to the airline industry to curb the coronavirus’s economic impact. 


The Philippines suspended trade on its local stock exchange Tuesday (March 17), becoming the first country to close its financial market over coronavirus fears. The benchmark PSE index plunged 7.9 per cent during shortened trading on Monday as investors reeled from the virus' economic impact.


The European Central Bank (ECB) has launched an emergency €750bn package to ease the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. ECB boss tweeted “there are no limits” to its commitment to the euro. The so-called Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme comes just six days after the ECB unveiled measures that failed to calm markets, piling pressure on it to do more to support Europe's economies. Announcing this latest move, the ECB will do everything in its powers to support the euro in these extraordinary times.


 收錄於英語島 2020年04月號




