

1. 《Rise of the Robots》作者為Martin Ford,他是一位軟體開發者兼企業家,書中描述人工智慧演變的過程,在未來如何取代人類的工作,機器人的崛起對人類文明產生的重大衝擊。

" In a world of self-driving cars and big data, smart algorithms and Siri, we know that artificial intelligence is getting smarter every day. Though all these nifty devices and programs might make our lives easier, they're also well on their way to making "good" jobs obsolete. A computer winning Jeopardy might seem like a trivial, if impressive, feat, but the same technology is making paralegals redundant as it undertakes electronic discovery, and is soon to do the same for radiologists. And that, no doubt, will only be the beginning."

2. 《Unfinished Business》作者為Anne-Marie Slaughter,2009年曾經為美國國務院政策規劃司司長,2012年的一篇文章《女性為什麼還不能擁有一切》,闡述了男女在工作職場上所獲得的機會不均,這本新書有許多關於企業如何讓男女在職場上機會平等的觀點。

"Anne-Marie Slaughter's 2012 article in The Atlantic, 'Why Women Still Can't Have it All', which described her choice to leave a dream job in Washington to return to her family and academic career, outlined the obstacles women face in the workplace, immediately sparked intense national debate and became one of the most-read pieces in the magazine's history."

3. 《Misbehaving》作者Richard Thaler為芝加哥大學的經濟學家,有「行為經濟學之父」的稱呼,他認為人並非完全理性,所做的決定往往會受到衝動與偏見所影響。

4. 《Digital Gold》作者為《紐約時報》記者Nathaniel Popper,這本書在講述「比特幣」發展的歷史,這個最有影響力的虛擬貨幣如何影響世界經濟。

5. 《How Music Got Free》作者Stephen Witt,揭露了盜版音樂的發展如何打擊實體唱片業,並從中獲取暴利。

6. 《Losing the Signal》作者為Jacquie McNish和Sean Silcoff,講述黑莓機的崛起與沒落,在2008年每個商務人士人手一支黑莓機,它曾經是最受歡迎的手機,但隨著ios與Android系統的手機進入市場,也把黑莓機推出了競爭行列之外。

"Losing the Signal is a riveting story of a company that toppled global giants before succumbing to the ruthlessly competitive forces of Silicon Valley. This is not a conventional tale of modern business failure by fraud and greed. The rise and fall of BlackBerry reveals the dangerous speed at which innovators race along the information superhighway."
