我做到了,我成為我討厭的律師—Michelle Obama



Before you start

Michelle Obama


美國前第一夫人,蜜雪兒.歐巴馬在離開白宮後,開始著作回憶錄《成為這樣的我 Becoming》,書籍出版後,成為2018年Amazon暢銷書第一名。而蜜雪兒獨立又現代的女性形象,讓她成為激勵人心的女性楷模,2009年曾入選Barbara Walters'最有魅力名人代表。


蜜雪兒.歐巴馬致力提倡女性的受教權及健康觀念的普及,為了將理念化作實際行動,蜜雪兒在白宮建立50年來第一座菜園,也走訪世界各國宣導女性教育,並創立公眾聯盟(Public Allies)芝加哥分會,培育年輕人投入公共服務事業。



“When they go low, we go high.”


訪談節錄 — 節錄自2018年12月26號歐普拉與蜜雪兒的新書訪談


Q: I was wondering for you. Your parents have invested everything. You’ve led us through everything they’ve given up and they’ve sacrificed. How did you come to that decision? Did it happen all at once, you go to work or did you start feeling it and then just one day say I hate being a lawyer?


It took a lot to get to that point to be able to say that to myself. OUT LOUD TO MYSELF because I still couldn't say it to the world. But in the book I take you on the journey of who that little girl became, which was what a lot of many hard-driving kids become, I became a box checker. I became someone who understood that there was a payoff for effort and I enjoyed that.


I was checking boxes and not thinking about who I was gonna be. And in the book, I talked about some of the things that made me wake up because I wasn't a swerver. I wasn't somebody that was gonna take risks. I became risk-averse. And all this talent and all this opportunity… I narrowed myself being this thing I thought I should be and it took loss. I talked about losses that I had in my life that made me think - have you ever stopped to think about who you wanted to be? And I realized that I had not, but where was I? I was sitting on the 47th floor of a high-rise office building, going over cases and writing memos. And I just landed there and it was almost like I got plucked out and I was there and I had nothing to do with it.




I was SCARED TO DEATH! Because my mother who was not very …She didn't comment on the choices that we made. She would just like live and let live, you gonna make your choices. But there's a scene where I am really struggling with it. I finally shared with her that I'm not happy and passionate. And for the first time, my mother driving me from the airport after I was doing document production in Washington DC. And by then, I was like … I CAN'T DO THIS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! I can't sit in a room and look at documents. And I shared with her in the car that I'm just not happy and I don't feel my "passion". And my mother, MY UNINVOLVED LIVE-AND-LET-LIVE MOTHER said "Make the money, worry about being happy later."

我根本快嚇死了!因為我的母親不是非常 … 她從不去評價我們做出的選擇,她只會老在嘴邊掛著「管好你自己,做出你自己的選擇。」但當時的情況真的讓我很掙扎,於是我終於向我的母親傾訴,說我感受不到快樂也提不起工作的幹勁。然後由史以來的第一次我母親跳出了她一貫的風格,那時我剛從華盛頓特區寫完卷宗後,她開車到機場接我回程的路上,那時候,我開始抱怨,我說我沒辦法在這份工作做一輩子,我無法坐在辦公室內盯著那些文件。我將內心的感受向她傾倒出來,而我的母親,我那個不干涉、嘴中說著管好你自己的媽媽,回了這麼一句話:「妳先賺錢,晚點再擔心妳快不快樂的小議題。



收錄於英語島 2019年2月號

