
Marina Abramovic: "We can learn telepathy"

行為藝術家Marina Abramovic繼《The Artist Is Present》特展之後,這次探討的主題是人的心理。

Marina Abramovic可以說是行為藝術中大師級的人物,善用自己的身體作為藝術作品的展現,「身體」在她的藝術作品中是媒介,也是主題。


"Even if I say I'm not afraid of dying, that's not true," says Marina Abramović. "Every time the plane is trembling I start writing testament." 

這次,Marina Abramović到澳洲著名的雪梨港進行《In Residence》特展表演,到時將會有600名觀眾允許進入展覽場地。2010年Abramović在紐約MoMA的《The Artist Is Present》演出,吸引了將近85萬觀眾進場,無疑的,Abramović是行為藝術界的超級巨星。

Marina Abramović推出了一系列所謂的大腦SPA運動,要受邀觀眾進行一系列活動,戴上隔絕噪音的耳機,只允許做下列的事,數米粒、慢步在展覽的空間、站在上升的平台、凝視測驗。她認為,這些活動是專門為大眾設計的,不只是給那些涉獵藝術的觀眾,這些活動能讓人專心、去掉雜亂的思緒。


"We can learn telepathy in four years. We use telephones, but telepathy's cheaper. There is so much extra sense of perception that our brain can develop with training that we don't because we use gadgets and use computers and use all these other things that actually make us invalids."


"It changed my life. Everything is different," she says. "These people are the most developed human beings on the planet ... The government, just for their own benefit of uranium and all that other s**t, is destroying them."

