「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

解決職場 5 個最尷尬的對話




「Leave me alone!」......這類職場裡尷尬的話題,讓人難以啟齒的談話很多。今天的文章,不僅教我們如何處理得當,甚至創造雙贏。進入本文以前,請先想想如何表達以下單字:


a) 令人心煩、緊張的

b) 棘手的

c) 工作倫理


There are always some a) nerve-wracking questions that all of us face at several points in our working life. How to ask for a raise, for example, has 1) topped the list for several years. Lolly Daskal, a leadership coach, advises that you should ask for a pay increase when the following has happened: your job description has changed and your responsibilities have grown, or you have nailed down a big accomplishment or innovation.


職場上不論在各行各業,永遠都會遇到一些難以啟齒的問題。舉例來說,「如何要求加薪」絕對榜上有名。領導專家Lolly Daskal建議在以下兩種情況時,會是要求加薪的最佳時機:你的職稱改變且負責範圍增加、你完成了一項大規模的成就或改革。


In addition to that, a manager who checks up on every single thing certainly 2) drives people nuts. How to tell your micro-managing boss to back off is a b) delicate situation. Daskal addresses this one by offering a step-by-step approach. First, let your boss know that your work could have been more productive without someone standing over your shoulder. Then ask if there is anything you can do. Finally, commit to keep your boss informed.




The opposite of a micro-managing boss is an absentee one. How can you 3) advance in your career when your manager never gives you any feedback? Daskal suggests there are some approaches to address it. Tell your manager that you would like to make their life easier by doing well at your work. Then set up weekly meetings and send your manager an email about the current progress of important projects.



和控制狂老闆相反的就是對你工作進度不聞不問的老闆。如果你老闆很少給你任何工作上的建議,你將如何提升工作表現呢?!  Daskal建議面對這種老闆時-你應該要主動出擊。向老闆表示你會做好工作讓他們的負擔減少一些。接著在可行的情況下與老闆進行每周會議,並事前將會議中的討論事項、工作進度先寄給他們。


Another awaked situation is: how do I tell my boss I’m pregnant? All workingwomen planning a family will have to tell their boss about their pregnancy. Evelyn Williams, a business and leadership professor, advises this worker to frame the talk around how she will still meet her employer’s needs rather than what her employer will need to do to accommodate her.


另一種尷尬的情況是 - 如何告訴老闆 「我懷孕了?」有生育計劃的職業婦女都需要和老闆討論她們懷孕的事情。Evelyn Williams表示,在向老闆報告時,可以試著將對話導向這段時間會如何達到老闆的要求,而不是老闆需要配合她作出什麼調適。


A c) workplace etiquette often questioned is “What should you do when you like your co-workers but you don’t want to let them into your social media world?“ Surprisingly, psychologist Art Markman suggests the best thing to do is “Just ignore that!” It helps you to maintain some of the ambiguity in your social relationships with co-workers. You don’t need to run the risk of ruining the relationship by creating a boundary between friends and co-workers.


另一項工作倫理的問題也經常被詢問:你很喜歡你的同事,但沒有喜歡到想要將他們納入你的社群網路中時該怎麼辦?令人驚訝的是,心理學家Art Markman建議:「就當作沒看到! 忽略他!」 這樣的動作,其實會幫助你維持是否要加同事到你的社群網路上的模糊性。你不需為了區分朋友還是同事而冒著破壞之間關係的可能性。



  1.   Top the list 最重要的事情、優先的事情;最受歡迎

Violet and Finn top the list in the “hot” U.S. baby names rising in popularity.



Actions to curb economic inequality and political corruption must top the list in Taiwan. 遏止貧富差距與政治貪腐是目前台灣最重要的事情。


  1.     Drive someone nuts 把某人很厭煩、生氣

All these phone calls are driving me nuts. 這些電話快把我搞瘋了!


My passport was stolen in France and the local police refused to help me. It’s driving me nuts! 我的護照在法國被偷了,而且當地警方拒絕協助我。這簡直煩死我了!


  1.     Advance in 精進

Jameson spent a lot of time to advance in his Chinese. Jameson花了很多時間去精進他的中文


參考網站: http://www.fastcompany.com/3039026/difficult-conversations/ask-the-experts-special-tackling-five-of-works-most-difficult-conver
