「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

微軟:雲端時代最重要的三個字 Privacy, Cybersecurity, Ethical AI

美國時間5月7日登場的微軟Build 2018開發者大會上,執行長Satya Nadella在開場演說中,以兩張紐約市相距20年的照片說明科技革新帶來的變化。他說,最具有影響力的科技,都是照片中看不到的,而今日雲端運算技術也以同樣的方式滲透了我們的生活,帶來了機會與隱憂。在這個歷史轉折點,我們需要負起責任,未雨綢繆。



Before you start

Satya Nadella
1967 年 8 月 19 日



印度裔美國人,現任微軟CEO。 24歲加入微軟至今未曾離開,是微軟名符其實的「老將」。2014年在眾多外部競爭者中脫穎而出,接下微軟CEO,成為繼比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates) 、巴爾默(Steven Ballmer) 後,微軟史上第三任領導人。









Microsoft Build是微軟一年一度舉辦,針對使用微軟系統的軟體工程師、web開發人員等所舉辦的開發者大會。2018年大會發表的主軸放在Azure雲端整合運算平台、AR/VR工具的強化、以及AI在程式設計上的應用。



Microsoft 並沒有限制Build大會的報名資格,但是報名所費不貲,2018年不含住宿的報名費每人為美金2495元(約7.5萬台幣)。




This is a picture of New York City in probably 1905, I’m told. Flatiron building, and what you see is horse carriages. And if you go to the next picture, this is twenty years after. And you see all the artifacts of the Industrial Revolution and its diffusion. You see automobiles. These buildings are beginning to have sewage systems, drainage. Air conditioning is coming. Radios, Telephones, hi-rises are pretty amazing. But there is one other salient piece to this. The core technologies of Industrial Revolution, whether it’s internal combustion engine or electricity, are invisible. I’m reminded of this Mark Weiser quote:

這是一張紐約市大約在1905年時的照片,在熨斗大廈周圍的是一輛輛的馬車。如果你往下看另一張20年後所拍的照片,你會看到工業革命的產物與其擴散的跡象。路上一輛輛的汽車,大樓內開始有污水處理以及排水系統,空調系統也漸漸出現,廣播、電話、高樓大廈充斥的景象是多麽驚人。但這其中的亮點是工業革命的關鍵科技,無論是內燃機還是電力,都是照片上看不到的,這讓我想起Mark Weiser說過的一句話:


“The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it”.

—Mark Weiser

「最具深刻影響力的科技往往都是那些看不見的, 它們漸漸地滲入到我們的日常生活中,直到變成不可或缺的一部分」




“Act so that the effects of your actions are compatible with the permanence of genuine human life.”

—Hans Jonas, Technology and Responsibility



納德拉引述哲學家Hans Jonas在他的論文《科技與責任》中的一段話,強調微軟身為科技業的一份子,有責任要協助為科技發展建立一套原則,因為它將決定我們的未來。他認為,微軟在雲端時代最重要的三大支柱,是隱私權、網路安全、以及人工智慧的道德。


Privacy 隱私權 

Privacy is a human right. We, at Microsoft, have enshrined the principles that ensure that we preserve this human right, protect human right. We ensure that when we use data, it is to benefit the user. We ensure that the user is always in control of their data and its use. …We are going to continuously commit ourselves to work to preserve privacy, same thing with the “cloud act”. No company has done more in terms of working hard to ensure that there is a framework of law that governs how legitimate governments and legitimate needs of government to protect their citizens are balanced to their privacy.

隱私是一種人權。微軟已經將維護人權視為重要的原則,我們將確保每一次使用數據,都是為了增進用戶的權益,並且確保用戶永遠掌握自身資料與用途。 我們將會持續不斷投入維護隱私的工作,和《雲端法案》一樣。目前還沒有任何其他公司投注如此心力在確立一種法律架構,能夠約束政府不因保護公民的行動而侵犯公民隱私。


Cybersecurity 網路安全 

Cybersecurity, we need to act with collective responsibility across the tech sector to help keep the world safe. We recently formed a program to protect our democracy where we’re going to work with the campaigns, the civic society, and other constituent, so that we can secure our political process, democratic process. We also led a consortium of 34 companies with the tech accord to ensure that the citizens across the world are protected from cyber attacks. It’s the digital Geneva Convention of our times.



Ethical AI 人工智慧的道德規範

Ethical AI, We need to ask ourselves not only what computer can do, but what computer should do. That time has come. We formed an ethic board inside the company which is a very diverse group of people who govern the product we build, the project we’re engaging. But beyond that we also investing in tools because one of the key things we have to do is to put tools in the hands of developers, designers. Just like with good user experience and UI, we need good AI. We need to make this a first class engineering discipline where the choices that we make can be good choices for our future.



本文收錄於英語島English Island 2018年6月號
