「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠



a) 上帝恩賜

From key duplication to yoga class search, life improvement is always 1) a tap away if you know the right apps to download. Dark Sky is a weather service so precise in forecasting some users claim it's modern time wizardry. For people with the tendency to leave house keys at home, KeyMe, a service that copies keys from their digital images, is nothing short of a a) godsend. If you do yoga and travel often, Yoga Studio searches the nearest lessons for you.


不管是打鑰匙還是找瑜珈教室,都有相關app可以幫助你改善你的生活。以氣象服務Dark Sky來說,其預報之精準常被譽為神器。而對經常忘帶家門鑰匙的人來說,KeyMe用數位影像來打鑰匙的服務,恐怕會讓健忘者涕淚縱橫。如果你經常外地奔波卻又想做瑜珈,Yoga Studio能幫你搜尋最近的瑜珈課程。

Task managing apps are vital for TED workers to keep up on things. Wunderlist, Trello and Todoist are three organizers TED staff 2) swear by, with Trello leaning toward the visual side and Todoist offering customization abilities. Sometimes ideas pop up out of the blue, so MeMail was created for those moments to let you send a quick work or two to your own mailbox for future b) pondering. The app Check deals with billing chores by crosschecking your bank accounts and your credit card bills. Evernote and nvALT are both notable note takers, and tech people usually prefer the latter.



Whether commuting to work or traveling abroad, you won't go unaided in this age of apps. Word Lens translates foreign languages on photos you snap into a chosen language with reasonable fidelity. Waze and Roadify, for car and transit respectively, are 2 apps that stand out from many competitors in the crowded category of traffic apps. To plan the morning commute ahead to avoid being late, Exit Strategy and Embark have excellent route-planning capabilities, even giving instructions like where to wait on the platform to achieve maximum time-efficiency.

不管是上班通勤還是出國旅遊,都有各種app可供使用。Word Lens可以將照片中出現的外語翻譯成你想要的語言,正確性還不差。Waze和Roadify分別針對汽車和大眾運輸提供交通資訊,操作效能優於其他同類app。如果想要提前規劃路線以免上班遲到,Exit Strategy和Embark都是不錯選擇,鉅細靡遺的程度甚至連站在月台上哪個位置比較省時都能告訴你。

Boomerang is a versatile add-on to Gmail that gives more manipulability to the popular mail service. If you don't want to spoil your colleagues' weekend, you can use the add-on to schedule your mail for future c) dispatch. Mailbox transforms the look and feel of your emails by switching to a chat-room like interface.


Boomerang是一套多功能Gmail外掛程式,讓 email操作更加得心應手,例如如果不想破壞同事周末假期,可以利用排程功能,約定在未來特定時間發送郵件。Mailbox這個app則是把你的郵件往來,轉化成類似聊天室的對話格式。


1)   A tap away 一鍵之遙,近在咫尺

Tap  是按,輸入的意思。 A tap away 只差一鍵,有近在咫尺之意。

而Tap away 的意思是將資訊、數字等輸入電腦的意思。

He tapped away on his computer to write his essay. 他在電腦上撰寫作業。


2)   Swear by 完全仰賴,高度信任

Swear 有發誓的意思。Swear by 意思是對某人或事物極其信任之意。

The mayor swears by his secretary after years of close working relationship.

