「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

你是changer 還是transformer?

每家企業改變世界,各有一份真心。學習英文也要真心改掉壞習慣,不僅要 modify,甚至要transform & change yourself! 談到改變,只要是Change 幾乎都可以通用,但是改變到什麼程度,卻有許多細微差異,一起來看modify-alter-change-transform-vary 的差異。

To change 改變(統稱)

Aren’t you going to change into something nicer to go out tonight?

To modify 微調、改進(改變幅度小)

The software we use has been modified for us.
Patients are taught how to modify their diet.

To alter 微調、修改(改變幅度大)

I’m going to alter my dress to make it fit better.
Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame.
Prices were not altered significantly in 2007.

To transform 改造、轉型(改變幅度最大)

My cousin was transformed when he came back from his overseas trip.
Let’s help them to transform their business.

To vary 變化(隨…波動)、多樣化

The menu varies with the season.
The quality of the students’ work varies considerably.
New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success.

本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 改變世界的10個企業 2018年5月號
