「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠


01. Much, Way, Far, a lot 多

  • Much better!好多了! 也可以說 =>That's way better!
  • Her performance is far better than her peers. 她的表現比同輩好多了。
  • That's much more expensive. 貴多了。 也可以說 =>That's a lot more expensive. 
  • Things are far more complicated than I expected. 事情遠比我想的複雜。 這些程度副詞都是可以互換的。

02. a bit, a little, slightly 有點,一些

  • We arrived a bit earlier. 我們稍微早到了點。
  • Anna is a little more experienced than the others. Anna比其他人有經驗一些。

03. Even 甚至

  • A: I know we are supposed to have burgers, but would you like to have hotpot instead? B: Even better!A: 我知道我們本來要吃漢堡,但你想不想改成吃火鍋?B: 那更好!
  •  His brother is even funnier. 他哥哥比他更好笑。 


04. by far 絕對

  • These are by far the most delicious beef noodles in Taiwan. 這絕對是台灣最好吃的牛肉麵。
  • He is by far the smartest person I've ever met. 他絕對是我認識的人裏最聰明的。

05. nearly 幾乎

  • We're working on nearly the toughest project ever at this time. 我們正在進行幾乎是近年來最困難的專案。 
  • That's nearly the most ridiculous news I've heard this year. 這幾乎是我今年聽過最荒謬的消息。

06. very
The least 是最少的,at the very least更加強語氣,是最起碼…

  • You should send a thank you card to her at the very least. 你最起碼要送張感謝卡給她。

同樣的,the very best也有加強效果,強調「最最最好的」。 

  •  I believe that he is the very best candidate.  我相信他就是不二人選。
  •  I believe that he is your very best candidate. 我相信他是你的不二人選。


本文收錄於英語島English Island 2016年1月號
