「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

The World as I See It -- 好奇心,是人類最美好的價值

如果在Google搜尋「國際觀」,至少31萬筆新聞跳出來:「台灣學生沒國際觀?」、「不熟希特勒缺少國際觀?」、「培養國際觀,就能…」什麼是國際觀?一種看世界的方式?長久以來,「如何看世界」一直是人們關心的話題。愛因斯坦在1921年 獲得諾貝爾物理學獎時,為眾人演講《我眼中的世界》,談到他如何從生 命、社會、政治、甚至宇 宙,理解眼前的世界。

阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein),20世紀著名物理學家,1921年獲諾貝爾物理學獎。

1905年提出狹義相對論(thetheory of relativity),導出全世界最著名的方程式E=mc²;1915年發表狹義相對論,改變了牛頓的時空觀。此外,他也是猶太人心中的精神領袖,公開反抗德國納粹政權,後人以他的名義成立「愛因斯坦和平基金會」,每年頒發和平獎5萬美元。

1. 諾貝爾獎在每年10月頒獎。
2. 愛因斯坦獲諾貝爾物理學獎95週年。


1、生命觀:精神和物質生活都來自他人 , 必須全力回饋他人
What an extraordinary situation is that of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he feels it. But from the point of view of daily life, without going deeper, we exist for our fellow-men – in the fi¬rst place.

for those on whose smiles and welfare all our happiness depends, and next for all those unknown to us personally with whose destinies we are bound up by the tie of sympathy.

A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labours of other

men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.

I am strongly drawn to the simple life and am often oppressed by the feeling that I am engrossing an unnecessary amount of the labour of my fellow-men.

I regard class differences as contrary to justice and, in
the last resort, based on force.

I also consider that plain living is good for everybody, physically and mentally.









My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility
has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced freedom
from the need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities.

I gang my own gait and

have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart;

in the face of all these ties
I have never lost an obstinate sense of detachment, of the need for solitude--a feeling which increases with the years.

One is sharply conscious, yet without regret, of the limits to the possibility of mutual understanding and sympathy with one's fellow-creatures.

Such a person no doubt loses something in the way of geniality and light-heartedness;

on the other hand, he is largely independent of the opinions, habits, and judgments of his fellows and avoids the temptation to take his stand on such insecure foundations.



我未曾全心全意地屬於我的國家、我的家庭、我的 朋友,甚至我最為接近的親人;

在所有情感關係前,我總是感覺到疏離、保持孤獨 的必要性--而這種感受正與年俱增。

人們清楚地知道,但不惋惜,人與人相互了解和同 情心的可能性是有限度的

這樣的人無疑地在某種程度上會失去他的天真無邪 和無憂無慮的心境;

但另一方面,他也能在很大程度上不被別人的意 見、習慣和判斷左右,

並且能夠避免那種把他的內心平衡建立在這樣一些 不可靠的基礎之上的誘惑。



愛因斯坦的演講用了許多關係代名詞 (who, whom, whose, which, that),要 如何弄懂意思?先根據上文找到代名詞 代表誰,接著把介系詞(for, on, with at, or..)跟動詞(通常會有時態變化)抓出 來。多練習幾次,大腦就會自動幫你記 住重組的公式。例如:

TIP 1 長句子怎麼讀?

STEP1 寫出看不懂的句子 ...for those on whose smiles and welfare all our happiness depends...

STEP2 找出代名詞代表誰 for those on whose smiles and welfare all our happiness depends those=our fellow-men=他人 whose=our fellow-men’=他人的

STEP3 找到介系詞、動詞,把句 子拆解成詞組 for those/ on whose smiles and welfare /all our happiness/ depends 為了他人/他人的喜悅跟健康 /我們的幸福依賴著

STEP4 連結上一句,重組句子 人是為他人生存的,我 們的幸福依賴著他人的 喜悅跟健康



My political ideal is that of democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual and no man

It is an irony of fate that
I myself have been the recipient of excessive admiration and respect from my fellows through no fault, and no merit, of my own.

The cause of this may well be the desire,
unattainable for many, to understand the one or two ideas to which I have with my feeble powers
attained through ceaseless struggle.

I am quite aware that
it is necessary for the success of any complex undertaking that
one man should do the thinking and directing and in general bear the responsibility.

But the led must not be compelled, they must be able to choose their leader.

An autocratic system of coercion, in my opinion, soon degenerates.

For force always attracts men of low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels.

讓每一個人都作為個人而受到尊重,而不讓任何人成 為被崇拜的偶像。

我自己一直受到同代人的過分的讚揚和尊敬,這不是 由於我自己的過錯,也不是由於我自己的功勞,實在 是一種命運的嘲弄

其原因大概在於人們有一種願望,想理解我如何以自 已微薄的綿力,通過不斷的鬥爭以獲得的少數幾個觀 念,而這種願望有很多人未能實現。

我完全明白,一個組織要實現它的目的,就必須有一 個人去思考,去指揮、並且全面擔負起責任來。

但是被領導的人不應當受到強迫,他們必須能夠選擇 自己的領袖。


因為暴力所招引來的總是一些品德低劣的人,而且我 相信,天才的暴君總是由無賴來繼承的,這是一條千 古不易的規律。

The really valuable thing in the pageant of human life seems to me not the State but the creative, sentient individual, the personality; it alone creates the noble and the sublime, while the herd as such remains dull in thought and dull in feeling.

在人生豐富多彩的表演中,我覺得真正可貴的不是 政治上的國家,而是有創造性的、有感情的個人, 是人格;只有個人才能創造出高尚和卓越的東西,而群眾整體在思想、感覺上總是遲鈍的。



TIP 2 先聽一次音檔,再試著唸出來

假裝 自己是演講者,掌 握換氣時機,不但 能快速抓到重點 字,也能更明白演 講人的思路。

STEP1 寫出長句子
The cause of this may well be the desire, unattainable for many, to understand the one or two ideas to which I have with my feeble powers attained through ceaseless struggle.

STEP2 找出呼吸換氣的時機
• The cause of this may well be the desire, unattainable for many, • to understand the one or two ideas to which I have with my feeble powers • attained through ceaseless struggle.

STEP3 跟著講者的思路走,找到每一次 換氣間、講者會加重語氣的字 Cause, unattainable, attained, 原因、做不到的、做得到的 原來講者想強調這個願望的「原 因」,是因為一般人「做不到」 而他「做到了」


4、宇宙觀:不要停止對宇宙奧秘的好奇心,它 催生了科學、宗教、一切最美的事物
The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious.

It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.

He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle. It was the experience of mystery--even if mixed with fear--that engendered religion.

A knowledge of the existence
of something we cannot penetrate,
of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which are only accessible to our reason in their most elementary forms
--it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude;
in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man.


這個最基本的感情,是一切藝術與科學的起源 如果不知道它、不再有好奇心、也不再有驚訝的感 覺,就無異於行屍走肉,一盞被掐滅的蠟燭。

就是這樣奧秘的經驗--雖然摻雜著恐懼--產生了宗 教。 我們認識到有某種為我們所不能洞察的東西存在, 感覺到那種只能以其最原始的形式接近我們的心靈 中最深奧的理性和最燦爛的美--正是這種認識和這種 情感構成了真正的宗教感情;在這個意義上,而且 也只是在這個意義上,我才是一個具有深摯的宗教 感情的人。


【Jason Mraz給愛因斯坦的告白歌】
美國歌手Jason Mraz受到愛因斯坦啟發,2011年發布同名單曲The World As I See It,獲得AllMusic和專業樂評 PopMatters等的高度稱讚。

1. 畢業即失業,寫信跟老爸道歉:沒能取得 心中理想的工作,想去賣保險。
1902年,愛因斯坦靠朋友幫忙,好不容易在 瑞士專利局找到一份工作,但他其實很失望,因為他原本想當大學教授。紐約大學歷史學家Matt Stanley說,「他對教授不敬,還常蹺課,所以當他請教授寫推薦函時,沒人要幫他寫。」

2. 躲回房間卯起來寫下的情書足足能出書

3. 喜歡旅遊的一代科學家

本文收錄於英語島English Island 2016年10月號

