「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

「Fail again. Fail better. 越錯,越好」 -- 彼得.汀克萊傑


Before you read

Peter Dinklage


Peter Dinklage在HBO知名影集《權力遊戲Game of Throne》中扮演提利昂.蘭尼斯特(Tyrion Lannister)一角,他曾多次受到艾美獎及金球獎提名,於2011年、2015年、2018年獲得艾美獎最佳男配角,成為艾美獎70年來,首位以同一齣戲劇奪得最多次最佳男配角的演員。


Peter Dinklage的星途並非一帆風順,戲劇學校畢業後的他,曾與朋友在Williamsburg一同創辦劇團,最後無疾而終。此後演藝生涯便沉寂了8年,直到29歲成功轉型成專業演員之前,他曾為了養活自己,只好在夢想上妥協,想做一名數據工程師。


早期受重金屬樂團Steppenwolf啟發,90年代時Peter Dinklage在龐克樂團 Whizzy 中,擔任饒舌歌手與小喇叭樂手。他曾在一次樂團表演時,意外摔倒割傷臉,造成臉上留有一道從脖子延伸到眉骨的傷口,和《權力遊戲》中Tyrion Lannister的人物設定不謀而合。


Peter Dinklage在未成名前,儘管經濟拮据,他仍拒絕在廣告中扮演小妖精和小精靈,努力要表明自己是個演員,只是剛好身材矮小而已。此外,Peter Dinklage一度不想接演提利昂.蘭尼斯特一角,因為他不希望再去扮演一個沒有深度、只會加深侏儒刻板印象的角色。



節錄自2012年Peter Dinklage返回母校本寧頓學院發表的畢業演講致詞。演說中Peter Dinklage跳脫了講稿,用即興幽默的口吻與畢業生分享過去的辛酸。


After two years of job and couch surfing, I got a job in application processing as a data enterer at a place called Professional Examination Services, and I stayed for six years. Six years! Longer than my time at Bennington. I hated that job and I clung to that job. Because of that job, I could afford my own place.


My dream of running a theater company with my friend and fellow Bennington graduate, Ian bell, had died. I won't go into those details, but neither one of us had any business sense. And the theater we lived in had no heat or hot water. We didn't smell very good. But we had our youth, but youth gets old very quickly. You’ll see.

我和本寧頓的朋友兼同學Ian Bell共組劇團的夢想已宣告破滅,我不會去詳述細節,但當年我們倆都沒什麼商業頭腦,我們所住的劇院沒有暖氣或熱水,我們全身發臭,但我們擁有青春,不過青春很快就會衰老,將來你們就懂了。


So, Ian moved out to Seattle. I moved up the street to my loft, and I still didn't have heat. In 1993, industrial loft meant not legal to live there. I don't want this to sound cool and I feel like it's sounding cool. Ad lib! But I did have hot water — hot water in my bathroom, which a friend of mine using that bathroom once shouted, it smells exactly like a summer camp in here.


I had only the one window. I myself could not look out the window. It was quite high. So, I had no heat, no girlfriend, no acting agent, but I had a cat named Brian who told me of the world outside.


I stayed for 10 years. No, don't pity me. There's a happy ending. When I was 29, I told myself the next acting job I get no matter what it pays, I will, from now on for better or worse, be a working actor. So, I quit my position at the Professional Examination Services.



I got a low-paying theater job in a play called Imperfect Love, which led to a film called 13 Moons with the same writer, which led to other roles. I've worked as an actor ever since. But I didn't know that would happen. At 29, walking away from data processing, I was terrified. Ten years in a place without heat. Six years at a job, I felt stuck in. Maybe I was afraid of change. Are you?



The world might say you are not allowed to yet. I waited a long time out in the world before I gave myself permission to fail. Please, don't even bother asking, don't bother telling the world you are ready. Show it. Do it. What did Beckett say? "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better."


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本文收錄於英語島English Island 2019年9月號
