「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠



Greggor Lou/王郁慈

Apple Refutes China's Security Claims
After China's state-owned news network reported that the iPhone's tracking software was a security risk, the company reassured customers that the activity of individuals remains private. China Central Television reported that the iPhone function collects data that could result in state secrets being divulged. Apple's response was direct: It has never "worked with any government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of our products or services."

Fast Company
Birth Control Goes Hi-Tech
By 2018, birth control could become more convenient than "popping" a pill. The 50-year old oral contraceptive pill could soon be replaced by a hormone secreting chip that is implanted under the skin and activated remotely. The Gates Foundation is backing the development of MicroChips in which levenorgestrel is stored in microscopic channels covered by a thin seal that is temporarily melted when an electrical current passes through the device, thereby releasing the hormone on demand or based on a predetermined schedule. The technology has yet to be fully tested on humans, and security issues remain: the technology could invite the remote hacking of a woman's reproductive system.
到2018年,遙控避孕晶片將取代行之有年的口服避孕藥。蓋茲基金會資助的Micro Chips研發的晶片,植入女性皮膚後,可透過遙控的方式,決定啟用或是停用這個晶片。避孕晶片尚未進行人體測試,現階段的安全疑慮是:萬一駭客入侵生殖系統怎麼辦?

A $3 Billion Wager that the Silicon Microchip is History
To achieve competitive differentiation, IBM is betting a hefty $3 billion on alternatives to conventional silicon chips. The inexorable pressure of Moore's Law (over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years), could mean that microchip technology is getting so tiny, that the era of silicon chips is soon history. Alternative technologies include carbon nanotubes or silicon nanophotonics(which use light rather than electrical signals to communicate data throughout the chip). Beyond that, IBM has also invested in Neurosynaptic chips. The company said that its goal is to build a neurosynaptic system that closely emulates the human brain, complete with 100 trillion synapses and 10 billion neurons.

Harvard Business Review
The Pirates of Capitalism
In the movie Wall Street, Gordon Gekko reveals all: "Money itself isn't lost or made, it's simply transferred from one perception to another." Wealth is redistributed, not created. Wall Street's modus operandi rewards companies that achieve the most profit on the least assets, based on RONA. Markets want results fast; short-term liquid assets are preferred, so nonfinancial corporations are pressured into making investor payouts rather than investing in real assets. Thus, publicly held companies invest approximately half as much in assets as private companies do. The U.S. economy is misallocating resources, including the cream of its educated youth who enter finance, at the expense of innovation and long-term economic growth.

The Economist
The Travesty of the Arabs
Islam and innovation were once in lock-step marching ahead of Western civilization as a center of intellectual progress, trade, and tolerance. Most of the world now marches toward a collective global if imperfect progress, while the Arabs are static – bound by the shackles of religious fanaticism and brutal political regimes. When the possibility of peace and progress within the Arab Spring collapsed, the nightmare of the Middle East returned with a vengeance. For the Arabs and the rest of the world to be safe, and for Arabs to be lifted from poverty, the Arabs must reverse their civilizational deterioration by seizing their own destiny.

本文刊載於英語島English Island 2014年8月號
