「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠


近期,舊金山因為犯罪率上升、市中心衰落等問題,形象節節敗退。一群舊金山商界領袖決定投入數百萬美元來改變這座城市命運,他們推出了名為「一切從這裡開始」(It All Starts Here)的宣傳活動,企圖喚起企業對舊金山金融史上的成功記憶,同時強調這座城市的創新地位。儘管廣告力量有限,這個活動卻試圖讓人們對舊金山重拾熱情與信心,並重振城市形象。

來源:The Wall Street Journal
閱讀時間:3.5 mins

Can Advertising Revive San Francisco? A Local Business Group Bets on It

By Katie Deighton

A $4 million campaign aims to bring in new business by highlighting the city’s success stories.

A group of San Francisco business leaders is backing a $4 million advertising campaign to boost the city's image and economy, the latest in a patchwork of mostly public sector marketing efforts to pull it out of a downward trend.

"It All Starts Here" is the latest marketing campaign designed to boost the fortunes of San Francisco, a city that has lately struggled with its public image as a result of rising crime, homelessness, empty offices and a declining downtown district.
近來,舊金山出現犯罪率上升、流浪人口增多、辦公室空置及市中心衰落等問 題,城市的公眾形象因此受損。「一切從這裡開始」就是舊金山為提升城市形象而開啟的最新行銷活動。

The campaign aims to remind businesses that the city has a historic precedent for breeding financial success, said Rich Silverstein, co-founder and co-chairman of San Francisco-based advertising agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, which created the campaign. The campaign's flagship ad goes as far back as the invention of the railroad to convince viewers the city is the country's definitive home of innovation.
此次行銷活動是由舊金山廣告公司 GS&P(Goodby, Silverstein & Partners)發起的。其聯合創始人兼聯合主席里奇·西爾維斯坦(Rich Silverstein)表示,此次活動旨在提醒各個企業,舊金山這座城市曾在金融業創造出成功,這是有先例的。這次活動的主打廣告可以追溯到鐵路發明時期,目的是讓觀眾們相信這座城市是美國國家創新的不二之選。

Other cities and states have looked to dust off or reposition their images following the pandemic. In March the Partnership for New York City riffed on the 1977 "I Love NY" slogan to create the campaign "We Love NYC" in a move that was met with a healthy amount of New York mockery.
其他城市和各州也希望在新冠疫情之後重新拾起或重新定位自己的形象。今年3月,紐約市合作夥伴組織(the Partnership for New York City)借鑒了1977年的 「我愛紐約」口號,發起了「我們愛紐約」的活動,這一舉措遭到了當地市民不少嘲笑。

Advertising lore partially credits the original "I Love NY" campaign with helping lift New York out of its own doldrums, which in the 1970s were characterized by crime, bankruptcy and dwindling tourist numbers. Silverstein said he sees parallels with today's San Francisco.

San Francisco can't advertise itself out of its issues, he said, "but what you can do is light a spark."


1. revive 復甦,使復甦

The company's new marketing strategies helped revive its sales in the competitive market.

2. bet on 打賭

He decided to bet on the underdog team for this match.

3. back 支持

I'll always back you in your endeavors, no matter what.

4. patchwork(本文)混合體;拼接布藝

The novel is a patchwork of memories, weaving together various moments from the protagonist's life."

5. pull it out of a downward trend 扭轉下滑趨勢

With innovative marketing, the company managed to pull its sales out of a downward trend.

6. fortune 財富;命運,好運

His hard work and determination finally brought him good fortune.

7. precedent 先例

The court's decision set a precedent for similar cases in the future.

8. breed(本文)培育;繁殖

The farm specializes in breeding thoroughbred horses for racing.

9. goes as far back as 遠至......時候;追溯至......

The tradition of celebrating the harvest festival goes as far back as ancient times.

10. dust off 抖掉灰塵,重新使用

He decided to dust off his old guitar and start playing again.

11. riff on something 對......進行即興創作、改編

The artist decided to riff on a classic painting and create a modern interpretation.

12. lore(流傳下來的)知識,說法

The region is rich in folklore and ancient lore passed down through generations.

13. doldrums 蕭條;憂鬱;無生氣

After losing his job, he fell into a state of doldrums for several months.

14. dwindling 逐漸減少的、變小的

Due to the ongoing drought, the water supply is dwindling rapidly.

15. parallel(本文)n. 相似的手法、共同點; adj. 平行的

There are interesting parallels between the protagonist's life and the author's own experiences.

16. light a spark 激發熱情,啟發行動

(to inspire, motivate, or stimulate enthusiasm, interest, or action)

Her speech at the conference lit a spark of motivation among the audience.


