「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

【News Takeaway】不幫你剝橘子的人,還是真愛嗎?

Is It True Love if They Won't Peel Your Orange?


來源:The New York Times
閱讀時間: 4mins


Imagine you're someone who loves eating oranges but hates peeling them. It's not that you can't peel them; it's just one of those minuscule tasks you would rather not do.

So, you ask your partner to do it. According to the online relationship trend du jour, the response may determine whether you have a solid relationship: If it's anything less than an enthusiastic yes, then the romance isn't real.
所以你會讓你的伴侶去做。根據時下網絡上的一個熱門情感話題,伴侶對此的 反應可能會決定你是否擁有一段穩固的感情:如果你得到的回答不是一個熱情 的「沒問題」,那麽這段感情就不是真心的。

This is the "orange peel theory," which holds that the little acts of thoughtfulness partners do for us, especially those that pose an inconvenience, serve as irrefutable confirmation that they care.

On TikTok, #orangepeeltheory videos show users sharing the particular ways their partners are passing or failing "the test." One woman proudly shared that her partner always cracks open her crab legs and takes the shells off, something she struggles to do herself.

Don Cole, a therapist and clinical coordinator, said that he found the theory "endearing," except for one part: putting your partner to the test. "That seems negative and inappropriate because the whole idea in successful marriages is we don't want to set them up to fail," he said.
心理治療師兼臨床協調員唐·科爾(Don Cole)說,他覺得這個理論「很可愛」, 但有一個地方除外:讓你的伴侶接受考驗。他說:「這似乎是消極和不恰當的,因為成功婚姻的基本理念是,我們不該設計讓伴侶為難。」

If you want your orange peeled, just ask for it. Instead of testing partners to see if they will make you a latte in the morning, you should instead say, "I love when you make me a latte in the morning," Mr. Cole explained.
如果你希望有人幫你剝橘子,就直接說出來。不要測試伴侶會不會在早上幫你 做拿鐵,相反地,你應該說,「我好喜歡你早上幫我做拿鐵。」科爾解釋。


1.minuscule 微小的

The chances of success were minuscule, but they decided to try anyway.

2. would rather not (do something) 寧願不(做某事)

I would rather not go to the party if I have to see my ex-boyfriend there.

3. du jour 當季的;特色菜;最近流行的

Hiking holidays seem to be du jour this season.

4. determine whether 確定是否

We need to conduct experiments to determine whether the new drug is effective.

5. little acts of + 名詞 小小的行為

Little acts of kindness, such as helping a stranger, can make a big difference in someone's day.

6. pose an inconvenience 帶來不便

Closing the main road will pose an inconvenience to commuters.

7. irrefutable 無可辯駁的

The evidence presented in court was irrefutable, leading to a swift conviction.

8. struggle to do something 努力做某事

She struggled to meet the tight deadline for the project.

9. endearing 討人喜歡的

The puppy's playful antics were endearing to everyone in the family.

10. put it to the test / put something to the test 讓它經受考驗 / 把某事物放到考驗中

The new safety equipment will be put to the test during the simulated emergency drill.


