「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠



進入本文前, 想想以下單字英文怎麼說:

(A) 貼片
(B) 致命的
(C) 可溶解 

According to VOA News, "Scientists have developed a skin (A) patch that may soon take the "ouch" out of being vaccinated. Every year, in the United States, less than half of the adults who should get a flu vaccine actually get the shot. That's a problem because while most people tend to think of influenza as a mild disease, the infection can be (B) deadly, especially in the elderly, young children and people with compromised immune systems."


"To help raise that percentage, researchers have developed a self-administered skin patch to protect against seasonal influenza as well as a shot. Researchers who developed the vaccine patch said it has a lot of advantages over an injection."

為了提高疫苗接種率,研究人員研發出可自行使用的 皮膚貼片,和針劑一樣可預防季節性流感。研究人員 說,貼片的好處遠大過注射。

The patch looks like a Band Aid or a nicotine patch and has multiple (C) dissolvable microscopic needles that contain influenza vaccine.

貼片看起來就像 ok 繃或尼古丁貼片,其中有許多含 有流感疫苗的微小針頭,這些針頭是可溶解的。

"Traditionally, if you get an influenza vaccine you need to visit a health care professional who will administer the vaccine using a hypodermic needle," Dr. Mark Prausnitz, Georgia Tech Regents Professor of Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering told the Daily Telegraph, "The vaccine is stored in the refrigerator, and the used needle must be disposed of (1) in a safe manner. With the micro-needle patch, you could pick it up at the store and take it home, put it on your skin for a few minutes, peel it off and dispose of it safely, because the micro-needles have dissolved away."

「傳統上,接種流感疫苗,需要專業醫療人員,以 針頭從皮下注射入疫苗。」喬治亞理工學院化學和 生物分子工程學教授Mark Prausnitz這樣告訴英國 每日電訊報。「疫苗必須存放在冰箱,而且用過的 針頭必須經過安全方式處理。有了微針貼片,你 可以到商店把疫苗買回家,在皮膚上貼幾分 鐘,撕下後直接丟棄是安全的,因為微針已溶 解。」

According to the Daily Telegraph, "In the first human trial of the patch, involving 100 people, the patch was found to be just as effective in generating immunity for 12 months, and was preferred by the vast majority of those (2) taking part." "Researchers are now moving to phase II trials and, if successful, the patch could be available in just a few years." They are also developing patches for the measles, rubella and polio vaccine.

根據每日電訊報,「疫苗貼片首次人體實驗對象是一 百人,結果證實貼片可同樣有效使人產生免疫力,並維持十二個月時間。絕大多參與實驗者比較喜歡這種 方式。」「研究人員已進入第二階段試驗,如果成功,再幾年的時間即可上市。」研究人員也正在研發麻疹、德國麻疹和小兒麻痹疫苗貼片。 


1. In a... manner 用...的方式
I believe that he'll deal with the current situation in a proper manner.

2. Take part 參加
She took part in the celebration.

本文收錄於英語島English Island 2017年9月號

