「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

Headlines 精選


Air Pollution Could Contribute to Obesity: Study 「連呼吸都會胖」可能不是玩笑話

How is it that two people can eat the same food and get the same amount of exercise, but one gains more weight than the other? According to recent studies, the answer may be in the air that you breath. It is possible that pollutants in the atmosphere could be a contributing factor to obesity and diabetes. Laboratory tests on mice have indicated that very small pollutants might irritate the lining of a person's lungs, triggering a release of chemicals that can interfere with the body's ability to regulate blood sugar. Medical trends and data from cities affected by high levels of air pollution appear to back up the study's claims.

吃的食物、運動量都一樣,為什麼有的人就是比較容易發胖? BBC報導了一項研究,答案可能在呼吸的空氣不同。漂浮在空氣中的微粒可能會造成肥胖、糖尿病、心臟病。實驗指出,這些細小汙染微粒可能刺激肺部釋放化學物質,干擾身體調節血糖的能力。空氣汙染指數高的城市的醫療數據,似乎也支持此研究聲明。


#The Guardian
Reinventing Chinese Philosophers 中國哲學成為西方顯學

Find your "self". Be true to yourself. Work on your identity. Never be afraid to express your real feelings. These edicts of individualism formed the basis of how most American youths were taught to see and conduct themselves. Yet according to a Chinese philosophy course offered at Harvard, these western teachings might not be the best when it comes to living a more fulfilling, well-rounded life. In the course, students are advised to interact with the society--instead of seeking inwards--to discover who they are, and to follow rituals because actions can lead to changes in feelings and thoughts. Reinterpreting Confucianism and Taoism, the class now is one of the most popular classes at Harvard.

「尋找自我、誠實面對自己、了解自己、不要害怕表達自我」。這些個人主義信條,是多數美國年輕人從小就被教導的自我實現之道。但哈佛大學的一門中國哲學課程卻認為,這些西方思想並無助於個人生命的圓滿和成熟。在這 門課程中,教授建議學生應該透過與社會互動--而非內在搜索--來發掘自己的真貌,而且應該遵循社會禮俗,因 為行為本身就能促成情感和思想上的變化。目前這一堂重新詮釋儒家和道家的課程,已經成為哈佛最受歡迎的課程之一。


The Rising Mobile Payments 用不用行動支付,由不得你

Without a doubt, the market of mobile payments is set to explode soon. The imminent rise in mobile payment technology—perhaps brought by PayPal, Apple, Near Field Communication (NFC) or other enabling technologies—is going to change life greatly. For example, Facebook plans to process purchase transactions via its own smartphone technology. Users will soon be able to make purchases directly from their Facebook mobile app. As customers become increasingly comfortable with the idea of making purchases via payment apps in the future, it will be necessary for merchants of all stripes (online and/or bricks-and-mortar retailers) to come up with their mobile payment strategies.

即將興起的行動付費技術—也許由PayPal,Apple,Near Field Communication (NFC)等,將大幅地改變人們的生活。例如,Facebook計畫透過自家智慧行動技術,讓使用者直接在Facebook app上就能購物。 將來消費者對行動付費接受度更高後,不論線上或實體商家都必須有行動付費的策略。


#The New York Times
Canada PM to legalize Assisted Suicide 加拿大總理推動「醫師協助自殺」合法化

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled a new bill that would legalize doctor-assisted suicides for people suffering from serious medical ailments. Trudeau introduced legislation on April 14 to legalize physician-assisted suicide for Canadians with a “serious and incurable illness,” which has brought them “enduring physical or psychological suffering.” The proposed law limits physician-assisted suicides to citizens and residents who are eligible to participate in the national health care system, an effort to prevent a surge in medical tourism among the dying from other countries. If the bill passes, Canada will join a group of countries that permit some form of assisted suicide, including Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany.
加拿大總理賈斯汀・杜魯道提出新法案,欲將「醫師協助自殺」合法化,適用於病情嚴重者。杜魯道於2016年4月14日公佈此法案,讓「身患嚴重且不可治癒疾病,導致身心折磨」之加拿大人得以選擇讓醫師協助自殺。此法案將選 擇資格限於符合國家健保標準的公民與居民,藉此避免他國瀕死者蜂擁前來醫療旅遊。若法案過關,加拿大將躋 身協助自殺合法的國家行列,包括比利時、荷蘭、瑞士以及德國。


