「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠




● 經濟機會/普惠經濟 Economic opportunity /financial inclusion

● 環境友善 Environmental impact

● 教育 Education

● 公共衛生/ 營養 Public health / nutrition


從實體到虛擬的「綠色」創新 食品DSM

位居「改變世界企業」第2 名的荷蘭食品公司DSM,他們的事業版圖從1902年開始遍佈全世界,前身為國有煤礦公司,發展多年步入私有化,並把版圖延伸到營養食品、製藥等領域,2010 年時生物學家出身的新總裁 Feike Sijbesma 大刀闊斧,重新打造DSM 企業使命:將為改善地球和居住在上的人們努力。這樣的願景不僅改善環境,該公司股價更一路上漲61%,截至2016 年底淨利潤高達新台幣約277 兆。

2014 年成功地在美國展開綠能源計畫,分解玉米鬚和玉米芯的酵素,使得原要丟的玉米渣成再生能源。DSM 另一項更具未來願景的是:讓牛減少溫室氣體排放。每一隻牛每天排放出500L 的甲烷,相當於所有溫室氣體總量的4%。DSM 發明出牛食用的粉末,讓牛可以減少至少25% 的甲烷排放,除此之外,他們也和聯合國世界糧食計畫合作,製造出方便人類攜帶和保存的營養粉隨身包MixMe,在非洲和中亞已經讓3000 多萬人免於饑荒。

Little know by its name, DSM's history traces back to more than one hundred years of history. It was formed by the Dutch State to dig up coal, but now it is a private enterprise with products everywhere. Especially when
it comes to innovation, they are “in the business of improving the planet and the lives of people on it."
Their initiatives and projects are either planet-conscious or nutrition-based. The success of Project Liberty in 2014 is one example. As biofuel is one of the best alternative fuel sources, many are concerned that the process will rob people of their sustenance. DSM, however, developed enzymes and yeasts that digest the corn cobs and husks (the so-called “waste” ) into ethanol. Another pioneering earth-friendly idea is the “clean cow.” 500L of
methane emitted from each cow per day accounts for 4% of Earth's total greenhouse gas emissions. What DSM did is simply add a powder to cow feed, which reduces at least 25% of a cow's methane emissions!

Moreover, DSM partnered up with the UN's World Food Program to help with famine in Africa and the Middle East. “MixMe”—a micronutrient powder—has fed an average of 31 million people. What is remarkable is that they accumulated net sales of € 7.92 trillion by the end of 2016.

本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 改變世界的10個企業 2018年5月號
