「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

微信小程序恐終結 App 戰場


騰訊旗下的微信與QQ,為中國最大的兩個社交平台,據Statista統計,2017年1月WeChat 有8.5億、QQ有8.8億的活躍用戶;外國人如果要跟中國人做生意,WeChat絶對是首選。就連全球最大社交平台Facebook也模仿騰訊的產品,騰訊推出WeChat之後,臉書才多了Messenger功能;由此可見,騰訊的每個動作,已成了全球焦點。





WeChat’s model could solve the problem that most apps have: They’re downloaded once and rarely, if ever, used again. Instead, this  (1)paradigm offers context-based use. No more finding and downloading an app to your phone; just access a function when you need it. On surface, this doesn’t compete with traditional app stores, but if successful, it could start eating away at traditional native apps—and thus app store revenues.


WeChat’s pitch to software developers is that instead of having to build one version of their app for Android phones and another for the 20% of Chinese who use iPhones, they can just build on WeChat to serve both sets of customers. And the use case will get strengthened as more users find it natural to stay within WeChat to open the easier-to-build mini-apps. That’s an especially attractive proposition as Chinese users are loading fewer and fewer apps — The Information.
與其針對Android用戶跟其他20%使用iPhone的中國人,寫不同的應用程式版本,不如就直接把軟體建在微信裡,同時服務到兩類不同族群的用戶,這就是微信對軟體開發商提出的超強賣點。當愈來愈多用戶習慣待在微信裡打開這些容易建立的小程序,使用者的黏著性也會更強。中國用戶愈來愈不願意多下載應用程式之時,微信就在此展現了它的無窮魅力。–The information 


While Google’s Android represents up to 85 percent of all devices, app distribution comes via a range of third-party app stores since the Google Play store is blocked in China. Apple’s 15 percent share tends to account for more affluent consumers who are more willing to spend. WeChat could provide a bridge between the two that picks up additional users and, in the future, as mini programs become more sophisticated, actually compete  (2)head-on with iOS and Android.
由於中國封鎖Google Play商店,即使Google所屬的Android系統在所有的裝置中的佔比高達85%,中國用戶也僅能透過大量的第三方應用商店下載。至於佔有的15%的Apple用戶則代表較富裕、消費意願也相對高的消費者。於是微信提供了兩者間的橋樑,吸引更多的用戶,假以時日,小程序變得更加精緻,也就表示和iOS、Android面對面的競爭開始了。



1. paradigm (n.) 範例、示範 
paradigm shift 思惟、信念價值的轉換

This discovery will bring about a paradigm shift in our understanding of evolution. 


2. head-on 
= in direct opposition= confrontation 直接、正面衝突;或者迎頭相撞

Let's meet the problem head-on. 

The car crossed the road and hit a truck head-on.


資料來源:The Information、TechCrunch、Statista


本文收錄於英語島English Island 2017年5月號
