「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠



人事 Human resources
fill in 代替(人)=substitute 
I’m not her regular deputy. I’m just filling in. 

take on 僱用 =hire
We’re taking on new staff at the moment.我們在招募新員工。

lay off 解僱 =fire (staff)
How many people do you think will be laid off in this merger? 你覺得這次併購,有多少人會被遣散?

step down 離職、卸任 =resign
She’ll be stepping down as a director of the company. 她將卸下公司總監一職。

會議 In the meeting 
pencil in 暫訂安排 =arrange
I'll pencil you in for a meeting. 我會把你安排進去會議。

dive in 探究 =start doing
Let's dive in, as we've go a lot of ground to cover today. 今天這次會議所涉及的層面甚廣,所以現在馬上進入正題吧。

gloss over 簡單帶過 =avoid considering something
This is too important to gloss over, so I'd like to take some time with thisparticular analysis. 

kick off 開始 =start
Let's kick this meeting off by introducing ourselves. 這次會議就先從我們的自我介紹開始吧。

note down 寫下 =write
Did you note down the main points from the meeting? 你把會議重點都記下來了嗎?

辦公室 At work
Typical day of work  
firm up 確定= confirm
I'm going to have to get back to you on that when it's firmed up. 等到時間確定下來,我會再跟你說。

get back to 回覆 =reply
He got back to me with a ballpark figure last night. 他昨晚回給我一個概略的數字。

keep up with 跟上 =follow 
Have you been keeping up with the latest news?你有持續掌握最新消息嗎?

put through 把...轉接到… =transfer
Hold on. Let me put you through to the marketing department. 稍等,我把你轉接到行銷部門。

run past/by 對(人)說、請教意見=tell
Would you mind running your idea by me one more time? 你能不能再跟我說一遍的你想法?

walk through 解釋 =explain/show
I’m new here. Could you walk me through the procedures? 我剛來這裡,你可以帶我走一遍流程嗎?

Busy working days 
burn out 累垮 =overwork
Don’t work so hard. You’re burning yourself out. 別那麼拼命,你會累垮的。

knuckle down 開始認真工作 =start to work hard 
Come on! Knuckle down! 加油!該認真了!

squeeze in 擠出=manage 
I have class at 10 and one at 12, but I could squeeze you in between. 我10點和12點都有課,但可以在中間空檔見你。

stay behind 留下不走=not to leave a place when others leave
I stayed behind due to piles of paperwork. 堆積如山的文件逼得我加班。

tie up 套牢=occupy
I’m afraid Monday won’t work. I’m all tied up. 星期一恐怕不行,我整天都很忙

本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 片語動詞=瞬間X畫面 2018年12月號

