「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

搞不清楚狀況!? 用5W+5H問題快速抓出重點


Clarifying and Summarizing Situations
with the 5W+5H Framework During Small Talk




It is important to be able to ask clarifying questions during a small talk conversation. It is also equally important to be able to summarize what someone tells us during a small talk conversation. Both of these skills communicate to the other person that we care about what he/she has to say and that we are listening to him/her.

However, before we can summarize a situation mentioned during small talk, we need to deepen our understanding of the situation itself. One of the best ways to deepen our understanding of a situation is to ask clarifying questions by using the 5W+5H framework. 




5W+5H 問題最能問出重點

The 5W+5H framework is a useful tool that journalists rely on to discover facts on which to build their news stories. It is also an essential tool that English students can use to train their ability to ask questions for any given topic and to clarify details for any given situation. This article seeks to show English students how to create a summary for any given situation with the answers provided by 5W+5H questions during a small talk conversation.






Boss: 問題
Employee: 回答,5W+5H 問題
Boss: 回答
Employee: 承諾 + 摘要
Boss: 回應承諾 + 摘要

Boss: Did you get a chance to read the email that I just sent you?
Employee: No, what did you write in the email?
Boss: I said I need you to finish the sales report for this month as soon as possible.
Employee: How much time do I have?
Boss: I need the report within two days.
Employee: How do you want me to hand it in?
Boss: You can print out a hard copy and leave it on my desk.
Employee: No problem, I will finish the sales report within two days and leave a hard copy on your desk.
Boss: Great, I’m counting on you!


This is not a typical small talk conversation (if at all). It is more like an informal meeting between a boss and an employee.

In this “small talk conversation”, a female boss asks a male employee if he read her recent email. He says no and asks about its content. She tells him about the sales report that she needs him to finish. After getting more details about this task, he makes a promise that summarizes everything she tells him. She responds with words of trust and encouragement.





A: 陳述
B: 5W+5H 問題
A: 回答
B: 覆述摘要
A: 回應摘要



Bob: I am so mad at my sister.
Susan: Why?
Bob: She punched me in the face.
Susan: I see. The reason why you are so mad at your sister is that she punched you in the face.
Bob: That’s right.



Justin: Donald Trump is not a very good president.
Sam: Why not?
Justin: Donald Trump is a funny person.
Sam: So you’re saying that the reason why you think Donald is not a very good president is because he is a funny person?
Justin: Yes, exactly.


So you’re saying that the reason why you think S+V+O is because S+V+O?

So are you saying that…



本文收錄於英語島English Island 2018年9月號

