「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠


Why smartphones’ “cop mode” might not keep cops out for much longer



The debate over “compelled decryption” is likely headed for the US Supreme Court.

For years government officials in the US and elsewhere have complained about the “going dark” problem—that as it’s become more common for smartphones and computers to encrypt the data stored on them by default, it’s getting harder for authorities to get hold of that data for crime-solving or anti-terrorist purposes.

Government officials have called for companies to build encryption “back doors”— also known by euphemisms like “special access” or “responsible encryption” — into devices like smartphones. 


Before biometrics like FaceID and fingerprint sensors, the only way to unlock a locked phone was with its passcode. Some courts have treated passcodes as “testimony” under the Fifth Amendment, ruling that people cannot be compelled to give them up and potentially incriminate themselves. However, biometrics are looked at differently.

Overturning a lower court’s decision, Judge David Nye asserted that there is no testimony in biometrics — indeed, barely any thought at all on the part of the suspect. If “the government agents pick the fingers to be pressed on the Touch ID sensor, there is no need to engage the thought process of the subject at all in effectuating the seizure,” Nye wrote in his decision.

"The application of the fingerprint to the sensor is simply the seizure of a physical characteristic, and the fingerprint by itself does not communicate anything. It is less intrusive than a forced blood draw. Both can be done while the individual sleeps or is unconscious."

閱讀全文:MIT Techonology Reivew 



compelled decryption 強制解密、被迫解密

compelled 的意思是「被迫的」,decryption則為「解密」。compelled decryption 原本指的是美國警察能強制要求人解鎖手機、電腦等3C產品,獲取裡面的加密資訊。

Fifth Amendment rights 第五修正案

全稱為美國憲法第五修正案 (the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution),乃美國權利法案(the Bill of Rights) 的一部份,該憲法修正條款保護當事人不受不合理的搜查。

在日常的談話中,當你不想回答某個問題時,可以「to take the Fifth 」或「 to plead the Fifth」 ,意思就是「拒絕回答」,需注意這兩個慣用語中的 Fifth 須大寫,因為它是 Fifth Amendment 的縮寫。

Just take the Fifth if your mom asks where you’ve been all night!


編輯/ 英語島編輯室

本文收錄於英語島English Island 2019年9月號
