「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

和Jimmy Kimmel學美式幽默

很多人覺得美式幽默很難懂。要懂美式幽默不妨從脫口秀下手。美國喜劇演員兼脫口秀主持人 Jimmy Kimmel(吉米金莫),常在節目中針砭時事,風趣又辛辣。一起來讀一段談話,領會美式英語的幽默感。
進入本文前,想想以下單字英文怎麼說: (A) 過譽了的 (B) 平庸 (C) 黯淡的


梅莉史翠普是資深實力派電影演員,當她批評川普的侮辱言詞、煽動暴力、排斥移民,川普批評她是"one of the most (A) over-rated actresses in Hollywood"(好 萊塢最被過譽的女演員之一)。吉米金莫主持今年奧斯 卡頒獎典禮時,以反話凸顯川普發言的不合理。

"We are here tonight to honor great actors but we're also here to honor the actors who seem great, but actually really aren't. And of all the "great actors" here in Hollywood, one in particular has stood the test of time for her many uninspiring and overrated performances.



"May I say, from her (B) mediocre early work in The Deer Hunter and Out of Africa to her underwhelming performances in Kramer vs. Kramer and Sophie's Choice, Meryl Streep has (1) phoned it in for over 50 films over the course of her (C) lackluster career. This is Meryl's 20th Oscar nomination…"

容我這麼說,從她早期平庸的作品越戰獵鹿人、遠 離非洲,到未獲熱烈反響的克拉瑪對克拉瑪、蘇菲亞的選擇,梅莉史翠普黯淡的職業生涯中,敷衍了事地演出超過五十部電影。這是她第二十次被奧斯卡提名。」




"I want to speak to those of you who voted for Donald Trump. And first of all, I want to say I get it. I actually do. You're unhappy with the way things were going. You wanted someone to come in and shake things up. You didn't want (2) business as usual… These candidates make a lot of promises that go nowhere. It happens over and over again. And you're sick of it."

" …Sometimes he can be funny. He rips into his opponents in a way politicians never do, have never done before."

"This guy's different and that's what I want. Different. Let's (3) roll the dice, let's get him in there, have him run the country like a business…"



「這傢伙不一樣,這就是我想要的。賭一把,把他送 進白宮,用經營企業的方式經營國家⋯⋯。」



"…the truth is deep down inside you know you made a mistake. You know you picked the wrong guy. And it isn't getting better. It's getting worse."

「事實是,在內心深處你知道自己錯了,選了錯 的人,事情沒變好,反而更糟。」


"Instead of president we make Donald Trump king. Okay? We make him the first king of America. Think about it. England has a queen. She lives in a palace. Everyone makes a big deal when she shows up. She has no power at all... The queen could be completely bonkers, it would make no difference at all. She'd still be queen, it would still be fine."



90%同理心,但10%的幽默, 足以顯出現況的荒謬了。



1. Phone it in 敷衍了事

Some of the staff were just phoning it in.


2. Business as usual 一切照舊

A: How are things at the office?

B: Business as usual. Nothing exciting.


3. Roll the dice 原意擲骰子,引申為賭一把或孤注一擲

He decided to roll the dice with the investment.

文/Nikki Lu

本文收錄於英語島English Island 2017年10月號
