「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

Startup 取名的附加威力


進入本文前,請先想想以下單字怎麼說:(A) 融資 (B) 新奇 (C) 估值

A startup's name can hugely affect investors' perception of the company, according to a study published in Venture Capital Journal. "A company name could be linguistically fluent, that is whether a name appears to be realistic and familiar, or phonetically fluent, that is whether a name is pronounceable. These variations could lead to varying (A) nancing outcomes."



High phonetically fluent names", which means easily pronounced names such as Uber and Lyft, are preferred by pre-venture investors. This is because such names could elicit favorable impressions. "Low linguistically fluent names", which means unique or difficult names, are also preferred. According to the study, difficult names "evoke cues of unfamiliarity and create a perception of high (B) novelty, which is valued by these pre-venture stage investors."



Easily pronounced names stay popular among late stage investors. However, there is not much benefit to having a unique name in later stages. "The novelty (1) wears off by later stages, when unique names can make investors feel uncomfortable," says Business Insider, "Think about now-shuttered companies like Xobni, which was purchased in 2013 by Yahoo for $60 million, before being shut down just one year later. Then there are other (2) departed startups like Oooooc, and Bawte." When a company is proven successful, say around the time of an IPO, what investors care about more is an accurate (C) valuation.

容易發音的名字也受到後期投資者的歡迎,不過獨特的名字到後期就沒多少好處了。「新奇感到後期逐漸消失,此時投資人反而對這樣的名字感到不安。」Business Insider提到,「想想已倒閉的公司,Xobni 2013年被Yahoo以六千萬買下,一年後就被關閉。還有其他往生的新創公司像Oooooc、Bawte。」當一間公司已證明成功,比如即將上市,這時投資人更在意的是估值準確與否了。


The results above came from a two-part study conducted by business schools at Stony Brook University, Drexel University, and Villanova University. The study analyzed how names affected funding. 131 crowd-funded projects and 1681 IPOs were analyzed.




1. Wear off 磨損;逐漸消失

The medication is wearing off.


2. Departed 逝去的

比 dead( 死了 ) 委婉的說法,意思是靈魂脫離肉體, 往另一世界去了

We're all gathered here for our departed friends.


參考資料: by Chien-Sheng Richard Chan, Haemin Dennis Park and Pankaj Patel; Business Insider 


文/Nikki Lu

本文收錄於英語島English Island 2017年10月號
