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【News Takeaway】如今我們需要大學課程來教年輕人如何聊天

We Now Need College Courses to Teach Young Adults How to Make Small Talk


來源:The Wall Street Journal
閱讀時間:5 mins


By Tara Weiss


Jana Mathews, a professor of Medieval literature at Rollins College, checks the bathrooms to coax out students hiding from the big event in her Job Market Boot Camp class, a mixer with alumni to practice professional networking.
羅林斯學院(Rollins College)的中世紀文學教授珍娜·馬修斯(Jana Mathews)會在她的課上檢查洗手間,好把那些躲在里面的學生勸回課堂。她的這門課叫 「就業市場新兵訓練營」,正在舉辦一個校友聯誼活動,練習職業社交技能。

For many of her students, the face-to-face conversations with strangers are more nerve-racking than decoding Chaucer.

Everybody seems to have a theory about why many young adults have trouble with so- called soft skills, which include the art of persuasion and civil conversation. Blame smartphone addiction, Covid cocooning or helicopter parenting. Regardless of cause, a growing number of college professors in various disciplines around the U.S. are trying to keep professional chitchat from becoming a lost language.

When teaching "The Canterbury Tales," Mathews holds a mixer where students pose as characters from the book while delivering an elevator pitch. Students learn the book, she said, and ease into networking "in a way that's not so personalized, so they don't feel like they’re on display."
在教授《坎特伯雷故事集》時,馬修斯舉辦了一個活動,學生們會以書中⻆色 的身份來進行「電梯遊說」。她說,學生們學習了這本書,然後以一種「不那麽個人化的方式輕鬆融入社交,這樣他們就不會覺得自己在被公開展示」。

In class, David S. Salisbury, a professor of geography, environment and sustainability at the University of Richmond, starts with the basics, stopping the class when a student refers to a peer by anything other than their name. "If a student says, 'I really enjoyed Brian's idea, but I think this might be something to add,' I say, 'I love how you mentioned Brian's name.' I give positive reinforcement to teach them these interpersonal skills," he said.
在課堂上,里奇蒙大學的地理、環境和永續發展學教授戴維·S·索爾茲伯里(David S. Salisbury)從最基本的教起,當學生用名字以外的稱呼提到其他同學的時候,他會把課停下。「如果一個學生說,『我真的很喜歡布萊恩的想法,但我認為可能需要補充一些東西,』我會說,『我喜歡你這樣提到了布萊恩的名字。』」 他說:「我給予他們積極的鼓勵,來教他們這些人際交往的技巧。」


1. small talk 簡短、輕松的談話

During the coffee break, we engaged in some small talk about the weather and weekend plans.

2. medieval 中世紀的

The castle's architecture reflects the medieval style prevalent during the 12th century.

3. coax 哄勸

It took some effort to coax her into joining the team.

4. boot camp 新手營,新兵訓練營

5. a mixer with alumni 校友聯誼會

6. networking (本文)社交行為、人際關係

Effective networking is essential for building professional relationships in your career.

7. nerve-racking 使人緊張、傷神、傷腦筋

The job interview was nerve-racking, causing sleepless nights for the anxious candidate.

8. decode (本文)解讀,揣摩(戲劇、藝術作品和人物行為等);解碼

The art critic attempted to decode the symbolism hidden in the artist's abstract painting.

9. have trouble with something 存在某些方面的問題

Sarah has been having trouble with the new software; she finds it challenging to navigate.

10. soft skills 軟技能

In addition to technical expertise, employers value candidates with strong soft skills such as communication and teamwork.

11. cocooning (本文)封閉的生活方式

After a long week, I enjoy cocooning at home, shutting out the outside world.

12. helicopter parenting 直升機式的育兒方式(指過度保護或是干預子女生活的養育模式。)

13. regardless of something 不考慮,不管

The company promotes a culture of inclusion, welcoming employees regardless of their background or experience.

14. keep something from doing something 避免做某事,阻止某事的發生

Regular exercise helps keep stress from affecting your mental well-being.

15. chitchat 聊天,閒談 (small talk)

While waiting for the meeting to start, we engaged in some chitchat to pass the time.

16. elevator pitch 電梯簡報,電梯演講


In the elevator pitch, he succinctly presented the key features of the new product to potential investors.

17. ease into (doing) something 逐漸適應,緩慢適應(新的環境、工作、活動)

Instead of rushing, it's better to ease into the new project gradually for better understanding.

18. positive reinforcement 正增強(當別人做對事情的時候,給予表揚、肯定,以此提高這種行為的發生頻率)

Teachers use positive reinforcement to encourage students when they exhibit good behavior in the classroom.


