Synecdoche 借代

英文中常見的借代大多是「以事物的特徵代替全體」或「以部份代替全體」,例如用“The White House”(白宮)借代美國政府,或用“Wheels”(輪子)借代汽車等。

Take Me to Church

by Hozier

My lover's (1) got humor

She's the giggle (2) at a funeral

Knows everybody's disapproval

I should've worshiped her sooner

If the Heavens ever did speak

She's the last true mouthpiece (3)

Every Sunday's (4) getting more bleak

A fresh poison each week

Take me to church (5)

I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies

I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife

Offer me that deathless death

Good God, let me give you my life


(1)  此處的“lover”(愛人)借代為「愛情」本身

(2)  “giggle”原本是指一聲傻笑,但這裡借代為「嘲笑」

(3)  “mouthpiece”原本是指電話的話筒或樂器的吹口,此處借代為天堂的「代言人」、「傳話者」

(4)  基督教或天主教將週日視為做禮拜、彌撒的日子,此處的每週日就借代為「做禮拜」

(5)  “church”原本是指教堂或教會,此處則借代為「基督教或天主教」


收錄於英語島 2021年3月號

