

And…nope, #1 is not Apple, Google, or Facebook!

大家熟悉的那些「改變世界」的企業(例如:Google, Facebook)為什麼榜上無名?
財富雜誌2017 年公布「改變世界的50 家企業」,這些企業營收可能比不上Facebook,但上榜門檻也是需要年營收超過10 億美元(約300 億新台幣), 前10 名大概有一半公司, 可能你都沒有聽說過,因為評選準則並不是營收至上,最重要的是在創造自己效益的同時,對社會和環境做出多少貢獻,那麼他們到底解決了世界的哪些問題?

1. JP Morgan

“ That's my contribution - running a sound, healthy company that serves millions of customers well and employs hundreds of thousands of people.” - JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon

2. DSM

“ I don't need to repeat it: the world is not yet on track to deliver on the Paris Agreement. But we should, since it is our moral, societal, and economic obligation to take care of the planet we borrow from our children.” - DSM CEO Feike Sijbesma

3. Apple

You can only do so many things great, and you should cast aside everything else.”
- Apple CEO Tim Cook

4. Novartis

“ We must work together to challenge old paradigms and reimagine the way we bring transformative cardiovascular medicines from the lab and into the lives of people who need
them. Our patients deserve nothing less.”
- Novartis CEO Vasant Narasimhan

5. LeapFrog Investments

“ Gandhi once said if you are a bearer of a profound truth, you are able to persuade people and societies. I really believed this.”
- LeapFrog Investments President Andy Kuper

6. Ant Financial

“ That's our mission to serve the little guys by giving them support, to help solve the problems for them…They develop their business and they create more jobs. That's what really excites us.” - Ant Financial Eric Jing

7. Walmart

“ Ignore the conventional wisdom. If everybody else is doing it one way, there's a good chance you can find your niche by going in exactly the opposite direction.” - Walmart founder Sam Walton

8. Johnson & Johnson

“ I believe that to drive the change in the healthcare space that people want and need, we must have a sense of urgency.” - Johnson & Johnson Alex Gorsky
我相信要驅動醫療照護轉型,變成別人想要也需要的服務, 必須要有一種急迫性的心態。

9. Toyota

“ Everyone says Toyota is the best company in the world, but the customer doesn't care about the world. They care if we are the best in town, or not. That's what I want to be.”
- Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda

10. Yara

“ Our contribution would be to focus on the individual farmers, understanding their needs for a particular crop and helping in providing them the right minerals, in order to grow these crops.” - Yara CEO Svein Tore Holsether

本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 改變世界的10個企業 2018年5月號
