終結「月經貧窮」 蘇格蘭政府免費送衛生用品


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Have you heard about “period poverty”? Some women and girls can’t afford to buy menstrual products or don’t have access to safe, hygienic sanitary products. In fact, many women around the world, including those living in developed countries, are unable to manage their periods and have been impacted by period poverty.


Scotland is poised to become the first country to end this uncertain situation by providing free sanitary products to women of all ages.


The legislation would make tampons and sanitary pads available at designated public places such as community centers, youth clubs, and pharmacies at an estimated annual cost of 24.1 million pounds.


The Period Products (Free Provision) Scotland Bill passed through its first stage with 112 votes in favor, none against, and one abstention. It now moves on to the second stage, where members of the devolved Scottish parliament can propose amendments. Before the approval of the new bill, free menstrual products were already available to students in high schools, colleges, and universities across Scotland.


Monica Lennon, the lawmaker who proposed the bill, said she was thrilled that it had attracted support across Scotland, including from civic groups and “individuals who have experienced period poverty and know what it is like not to have access to products when they need them.”

提出《蘇格蘭月經產品免費提供法案》草案的議員Monica Lennon表示她非常雀躍,這項法案吸引了全國支持,包含許多公民團體及那些經歷過「月經貧窮」的女性們,她們深知需要衛生用品卻無法取得的感受。

During debate, Scottish lawmaker Alison Johnstone once asked: “Why is it in 2020 that toilet paper is seen as a necessity but period products aren’t? Being financially penalized for a natural bodily function is not equitable or just.”

在該法案的辯論中,蘇格蘭議員Alison Johnstone曾質問:「都2020了,為什麼衛生紙是必需品,但女性生理用品不是?女性因為自然生理現象而受到金錢懲罰,這樣是不公平或不公正的。」



1. 終結「月經貧窮」 蘇格蘭政府免費送衛生用品

2. 為何女性總愛不停道歉?


4. 氣候變遷的另一場悲劇,迫於生存而賠上人生的童婚新娘

參考資料:The New York Times, Reuters, ABC News, Aljazeera, The Guardian, Mexico news daily


收錄於英語島 2020年04月號
