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How many “sorry” have you said today?


The documentary film “Taylor Swift: Miss Americana” covers everything from sexual assault to politics to the eating disorders that Swift has experienced. In one scene, Swift corrected herself after keeping saying “sorry”. Off camera, director Lana Wilson can be heard saying: “It's because we're trained to say sorry”. “Yeah, we legitimately are!” Swift replied.

紀錄片電影《泰勒絲:美國小姐》包含了泰勒絲的種種經歷,談到她經歷的性侵害事件、政治事件到厭食症。其中一個場景中,泰勒絲修正自己不斷道歉這個行為,後來導演Lana Wilson在鏡頭外說,「是因為我們被訓練成這樣嗎?要常常道歉?」泰勒絲說:「完全就是這樣!」

Is saying sorry something women are trained to do?


The short answer is yes. Women use apologies to cushion their actions and it's a behavior women have been stuck doingsince the middle ages, according to psychologist Rachel Green from The Emotional Intelligence Institute."In England, women used to have a horrible metal implement locked on their head for speaking out in public or for arguing with their husbands, and then paraded through their villages," she said. "It was called the Scold's Bridle and was intended to humiliate women.

簡短的回答:是。根據情商機構心理學家Rachel Green,女性以道歉來緩和自己的行為,這是從中世紀來女性就面臨的問題。她說,在舊時的英國,如果女性公開大聲說話或是跟丈夫爭辯,便要被以一個恐怖的工具鎖住頭部,並在村莊中示眾。這被稱作Scold's Bridle,意欲羞辱女性。

Non-verbally, we have had this attitude passed down from one generation to the next.


The notion Swift and Wilson touch on that we're raised to think it's bad for women to be seen as "bossy" means that female language is peppered with qualifiers like "I'm sorry, do you mind moving?" and "Sorry, I just have one more question."


"Some women say sorry for things they don't need to say sorry for, and they say sorry in a way that sounds as though they are apologizing for themselves," Green said.


According to a widely-referenced study, men and women simply have different ideas about which behaviors constitute an apology. Put simply, women are more likely to think that sharing an opinion or asking someone to move out of the way is cause for an apology; men do not. Sociologist Maja Jovanovic called this kind of apology-laden rhetoric "confidence killers".

根據一份被引用多次的研究,男性與女性對於「需要道歉的行為」看法大不相同。簡單來說,女性比較容易認為說出觀點或是請人借過需要先道歉,男性則不會這樣。社會學家Maja Jovanovic稱這種充滿「抱歉」的言詞為「自信殺手」。

Rather than using sorry as a default, Green suggested saying thank you."If there's a wait on a phone call, say 'Thank you for waiting', not 'Sorry for making you wait'" Green said. "Think of thank you as positive self promotion."


Making small changes to your thinking and your language means that when an apology is warranted, it will mean more. There's just no need to apologize for yourself when there's nothing to apologize for.




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參考資料:The New York Times, Reuters, ABC News, Aljazeera, The Guardian, Mexico news daily


本文收錄於英語島English Island 2020年04月號


