
“If” 能理性, 又能很感性;視情況代表不同情緒,用在選擇、 承諾、 警告、後悔等。因為它的包羅萬象,時態稍微變化就能使句意改變;除了接子句,if 前後加上其他連接詞意思又不同。學會if,就能說出英文的各種可能性。

This is Dan's Life

Type 0

If Dan gets up early, he walks to work. 

Type 1

If Dan finishes the project in September, he will treat  himself a trip to Fiji.
如果Dan 在九月完成這個企劃,他就犒賞自己去斐濟度假。

Type 2

If Dan had a billion, he would quit his job.
如果Dan 現在有十億元,他就會辭職。

Type 3

If Dan hadn't gone to Korea, he wouldn't have tried Kimbap.
如果Dan 當時沒去韓國,他就嚐不到韓式飯捲了。

Mixed 1

If Dan could drive, he would have driven Emma home.
如果Dan 會開車,他那時就會載Emma 回家。

Mixed 2

If Dan had fixed the roof last week, the floor would be dry now.
如果Dan 上周有修理屋頂的話,地板現在就會是乾的。



本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 捨棄的勇氣 2018年9月號


