人人都有參與經濟發展的機會-JP Morgan



● 經濟機會/普惠經濟 Economic opportunity /financial inclusion

● 環境友善 Environmental impact

● 教育 Education

● 公共衛生/ 營養 Public health / nutrition


商業銀行 JP Morgan


2013 年,美國北方汽車工業重鎮底特律宣布破產,這是美國歷史上最嚴重的城市破產案。美國最大銀行同時是世界上最大資產管理公司之一的摩根大通,從2014 年開始,為底特律人和中小企業找到了春天。摩根大通的底特律發展基金( Detroit Development Fund )不只提供弱勢創業者貸款( 因為其他銀行不肯承受相關風險 ),更從整修那些年久失修的房子開始,為居民和創業者找到租金合理的空屋。他們甚至提供企業顧問,讓小於25 人的公司能重新站起來並永續經營。摩根大通從2016 年開始將這些成功經驗複製到美國其他城市,從社區建設開始帶動更多就業機會。

The cruel reality is banks cannot profit if the economy slows down. JP Morgan knows this and takes it to the roots by creating “ a virtuous cycle where healthier cities breed healthier businesses. ”

They focused first on Detroit, the U.S. car-making hub. To help the manufacturing sections get back on their feet, JP Morgan brought in capital and capacity. They have invested $250 million USD every year into ground-up community projects (smallbusiness development, jobskills training, etc.). And since 2014, they have created 1,700 jobs and funded more than 100 new businesses.

They also sent “servicecorps” advisers to make sure those investments contribute to a positive economic cycle. Starting in 2016, JP Morgan has brought this model to other cities.

“A big thank you to the team at Detroit Development Fund for believing in and supporting new business in Detroit.” – Hugh Yaro, Owner of Craft Work Restaurant ( 受惠於底特律發展基金的餐廳)

本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 改變世界的10個企業 2018年5月號
