當老闆要跟你 "Meet for a cup of coffee",並不是要請你喝咖啡!


“Let's meet for a cup of coffee later.”

什麼?老闆要請她喝咖啡?別會錯意喲!“A cup of coffee”字面上是一杯咖啡,但這裡卻是指「很短的時間、一下子」。來看看“a cup of coffee”和“a cup of tea”的用法,和你想的不一樣。

1. Let's meet for a cup of coffee later.


 “A cup of coffee” 字面指一杯咖啡,但在口語中,可以指「一段短暫的時間」,因為喝一杯咖啡很快,就引申為一下子。看一個例子:
I'll be there in just a cup of coffee. 我馬上就到。

A cup of coffee也可以特指「職業球員的短期合約」,例如:
After his years with the Tigers, the outfielder had a cup of coffee with the Yankees in 1950 and the Giants in 1952. 這位棒球外野手在老虎隊幾年之後,1950年、1952年又分別在洋基隊和巨人隊待了一段很短的時間。

2. That's not my cup of tea.


 這句話與實際的茶飲料無關,而是關於個人的偏好,“a cup of tea” 意思是「對某件事感興趣」的,加了not,就是不感興趣。例如:
I don't really like running.  It's not my cup of tea. 我不是很喜歡跑步,這不合我的興趣。


A: How do you like the dessert?  你覺得甜點如何?
B: Great. It's my cup of tea. 很棒,這很合我的胃口。

 3. He's a cup short of a full set. 


 “A cup short of a full set”  是一種幽默且委婉的表達,“short of” 是「少了……」,“full set” 是「一整套」,一套茶具缺少一件杯子,比喻某人可能有點奇怪或不太正常。例句:Sometimes I think my uncle is a cup short of a full set, especially when he starts talking about his alien theories.  有時後我覺得我叔叔有點怪,尤其是當他開始談論外星人理論的時候。

