
Reviewed by Nick Edwards 

I am 27 years old at the time of writing this, so when I started watching How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) I was only 14 years old. This series was so successful that it was on-air for almost a full decade and I was a fan in an important developmental period of my life as I was becoming an adult. It has been a nostalgic and comforting series that still makes me feel “at home” when I watch it today. Many Americans have a similar feeling about this show as it tackles life experiences we all go through, makes endless pop-culture references, and even creates some trends itself. 
我開始看《追愛總動員》的時候我只有14歲,在寫這篇文章的我現在27歲,這部劇成功到播出了幾乎10年,我是這部片的影迷,它也在我轉大人 的重要發展階段陪伴著我。《追愛總動員》陪我度過了青春期,所以對我來說它讓人非常懷念,也是一部非常舒服的影集,即便到現在,我還是覺得這故事很有「家」的感覺。這部影集讓許多美國人都有共鳴,像是每個人生活都經歷過的難題,還有劇中引用無數流行文化,甚至也因此引領了一些風潮。 

There are many characters, but out of the main characters, my favorites are definitely Lily and Marshall, the long-term couple in the group of otherwise single friends. I am a fan of Jason Segel, who plays Marshall Eriksen, and his relationship with his wife Lily is full of hilarious inside jokes and small quirks that you might relate to if you are in a longer-term relationship yourself. 
劇中有很多角色,主角群中,我最喜歡的絕對是 LilyMarshall,他們是在一群單身朋友中仍能愛情 長跑的情侶。我是Jason Segel的粉絲,他在裡面就 飾演MarshallMarshall和他妻子相處中,充滿許多 彼此才懂的笑話和瑣碎生活,如果你正在戀愛長 跑,你可能能感同身受。 

The common themes in the show are created from an American perspective for an American audience, but many of them are relatable in some way for people from all over the world and provide a great opportunity to see how American cultural perspectives might be different from your own. A recurring theme that I love is the high respect for fine whiskies possessed by two main characters Barney and Robin. There are a handful of episodes where these two are referencing how drinking whiskey is a manlier and more respected activity than drinking anything else, something a lot of whiskey drinkers in America also believe. My father is a whiskey drinker and has taught me about the technical details of drinking whiskey and influenced me to stick to “neat” whiskey as my go-to liquor, so this theme in the show is always amusing to me as my father said many of the same things to me. 
這部劇雖主要從美國大眾的觀點出發,但卻能讓世界各地的人看了都感同身受,讓人有機會一窺美國文化和自己國家有多大差異。影集中一再出現的橋段是描述BarneyRobin對威士忌的狂熱,這也是我最愛的部分,在很多集中都演到「喝威士忌」是一件十分有男子氣概的行為,相較於喝其他酒類,不少美國的威士忌愛好者確實都是這麼認為的,我父親也是威士忌愛好者,他教會我許多品嘗酒的技巧,也因受他影響,我現在都喝純威士忌,這也是為什麼這橋段讓我感覺特別好笑, 因為劇中討論的正是我爸爸曾經對我說過的。 

Another fun theme in the show is the playful banter from the group against the one Canadian friend, Robin, giving a unique insight to the cultural relationship Americans and Canadians have. Almost any reference to Robin’s nationality and Canada as a country involves some form of stereotypical mocking. Things like the process of applying for Canadian citizenship: Question 1: Do you want to be Canadian? Question 2: Really? 
另外好笑的部分就是一群美國人跟Robin這個加拿大人 的鬥嘴橋段,體現了加國和美國之間特別的關係,只 要提及Robin的國籍還有加拿大這個國家,幾乎都會演 出帶有刻板印象的嘲笑。拿要申請成為加拿大公民的 例子來說好了: 問題1:你想要成為加拿大公民嗎? 問題2:真的嗎?(加拿大人以友善聞名世界,相對入籍 美國公民則要回答更複雜的問題

There’s also the recurring appearance of a Canadian B-list actor from some popular American sitcoms of the 90s Alan Thicke, playing himself as a Canadian celebrity. Robin will also replace many popular American sayings with a Canadian version and add in metric measurements, which Americans know nothing about, leaving her friends all confused and poised to make fun of her for being a little different. 
還有個經常出現的加籍角色Alan Thicke,劇中就演他自己,他是個加拿大著名演員,從美國90年代的情境 喜劇發跡。Robin愛把許多美國慣用語改成加拿大版 本,像是講話的時候,把換英制單位為公制,讓她的 美國朋友根本聽不懂在說什麼,所以大家也喜歡取笑 她這一點點的不一樣。 

This is playful joking about how Canada is very similar to America but also possesses lots of small differences along with being smaller than America as a whole. If you haven’t lived in America or Canada, it’s hard to understand this relationship we have between our cultures, but HIMYM can give you an idea and bring you a little closer to some of the small aspects of American culture. 

Almost every episode of the show touches on a new concept, not all uniquely American, but the jokes, references, and dialog are always funny and insightful. I highly recommend watching this show. You might get hooked! 

1. legendary 美妙的
laser tag 鐳射遊戲 劇中總穿著西裝的Barney最喜歡玩的遊戲 
umbrella 雨傘 
suit 西裝 
playbook 把妹手冊 
slap bet 賞耳光遊戲 
French horn 法國號 
phone five 電話擊掌 
cockroach 螂 
Philly 費城 



本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 美劇無字幕料理 2019年02月號
















