早期NASA中「穿裙子的電腦」—— Katherine Johnson 凱薩琳強森

電影《關鍵少數》描述非裔女性科學家為美國航太史帶來重大貢獻,該片原型為天文數學家凱薩琳強森(Katherine Johnson),身為一位非裔女性,凱薩琳強森在當時背負著各種歧視標籤,卻仍突破社會束縛,進入NASA前身國家航空諮詢委員會,人工計算火箭運行軌道等重要數據,後來雖有電腦運算,但1962年首位成功環繞地球軌道的美國太空人葛倫甚至表示,所有數字必須經過凱薩琳強森驗算,否則拒飛。


Before you read

Katherine Johnson




前NASA天文數學家、電影《關鍵少數》原型,凱薩琳強森出生於美國西維吉尼亞州小鎮,從小便對數學有著高度熱情,喜歡計算任何東西,出眾的計算能力堪稱「人肉電腦」,1953年時進入NASA前身「國家航空諮詢委員會」(NACA)擔任計算員,並在1958年時成為NASA聘雇的第一批非裔黑人女性科學家。NASA署長布萊登斯坦(Jim Bridenstine)在凱薩琳強森過世後表示,她是美國的英雄。




2015 年時,時任美國總統歐巴馬授予凱薩琳總統自由勳章。在2016年凱薩琳強森被英國媒體BBC選為全世界100名最有影響力的女性之一。今年二月凱薩琳強森逝世,歐巴馬亦推文悼念,內文稱凱薩琳強森當了數十年的「關鍵少數」,在大家沒有看到的地方,打破歧視高牆,最後成為幾百萬人心中的英雄。在《關鍵少數》中飾演強森的美國女演員漢森(Taraji P. Henson)也推文表示,因為有凱薩琳強森的奮鬥,全世界的小女孩們也可以擁有跟月亮一樣遠大的夢想。




Q: Your work at NASA beginning in the 1950s made you a pioneer for African American women as well as for the space program. How did you cope with the discrimination common in America in that era?


A: My colleagues and I were committed to the work. We found different ways to deal with the segregation.

In the cafeteria, we just ignored the sign [for segregated seating]. But at some point, we started eating at our desks. When we left work, our lives were definitely separate — separate communities, separate schools for our children, separate grocery stores and churches, but then we’d be back with our colleagues on the job. People are people. My father’s advice helped. He said, “You’re no better than anybody else, but nobody is better than you.”



Q: What caused your love for math?


A: I was always interested in math. I counted everything as a child — the number of steps up the stairs, the dishes, the steps to church. Those thoughts just came naturally. While I skipped grades in school, my parents made sure I stayed grounded.



Q: Explain what math means to you.


A: It’s just there. You can’t do anything without it. It’s in everything. I like to work problems. If you do your best, nobody can ask you to do it over again. I never had to repeat what I did.



Q: Hidden Figures has scenes about you and John Glenn, the first astronaut to fly around the Earth. Were they accurate or just Hollywood embellishment?


A: I did the calculations to put him into orbit. NASA began using computers, but [the astronauts] were used to somebody doing the calculations. John Glenn said, “What did the girl get? If she agrees with the computer, then I’ll trust the computer.” 



Q: What do you think of computers now? Would you rather use them to help solve math problems?


A: I’ve told my grandchildren, “First you learn how to work the problem, and then you can go use the computer.” I never liked that they could use a computer to find the answer.



Q: How would you encourage a young person to be successful in today’s world?


A: Follow your passion. Whatever you’re doing, do your best at all times and make it as correct as possible. Work as if someone is watching you. Then you’ll be prepared when an opportunity presents itself. And you’ll have the answers. 


參考資料:AARP、國家教育研究員雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網、Cambridge Dictionary


收錄於英語島 2020年5月號
