你可能沒聽過Reed Hastings,但一定聽過他創辦的公司Netflix。儘管Netflix目前已是撼動全球影視的企業,Hastings仍然維持一貫的低調作風,鮮少出現在聚光燈前。這次是他難得現身菲律賓電視台訪談,主持人句句針對全球觀眾最好奇的問題上,而Hastings從容回覆,精簡而明確。
Wilmot Reed Hastings, Jr.
1960 年 10 月 8 日 - present
Reed Hastings目前是Netflix的CEO,於1997年和Marc Randolph共同創辦Netflix。Reed Hastings曾獲《財富Fortune》雜誌評為2010年「年度商業人物」,及《時代Time》評為「2011年全球最具影響力人物100強」中名列第三。
2013年Netflix榮獲31座艾美獎,是第一個獲得黃金時段艾美獎的網路影音串流平台,獎項包含知名影集《紙牌屋》獲得優秀戲劇等。而後Netflix入選財經雜誌《Fast Company》「2016全球50家最具創新力公司」,成為華爾街競相追捧的明星公司。
摘自2019年4月4日Reed Hastings在菲律賓ANC的精采訪談。
Reed Hastings談及創立Netflix的過往,原來是因為自己從百事達租了《阿波羅13》的錄影帶,結果不小心逾期6週未還,被罰了40美金的遲還罰金。之後2007年,Netflix從DVD郵寄租賃轉到網路串流領域的過程中,也曾遭受轉型陣痛期,還一度造成公司市值蒸發120億美元。
Q. 能分享一下這段啟發創立Netflix的經驗嗎?
Sure. A long, long time ago. Almost 25 years ago.
Well, in the prehistoric days before the internet, there was a thing called video rental. You went to a store; you rented it for two days and had to bring it back. And one time, I forgot to bring it back, so then you've got a big late fee. And that started me thinking about wouldn't it be better to do DVD by post or video rental by post. VHS was too heavy to mail and then along came DVD a year later. A DVD was very lightweight, so we could mail them. That's the business we started in and that was just in the US. We still have over 2 million members in the US who are mailing DVDs every day, so the DVD business has continued to serve members.
Q. 當初那次轉型鎮陣痛期的經驗,讓你學到了什麼?
Well, now our market cap, incredibly, is around 150 billion, so the learning is you got a bet forward on the internet. The internet offers such options for serving a global audience and it's getting faster and faster. We're looking forward to continuing to do more of that.
Even in the early days, it's the reason we name the company Netflix for internet movies, as opposed to say DVD-by-mail.
Q. 我們知道你非常想擴大各國節目的投資,那你會調升國際用戶的費用嗎?
You know, over time what we try to do is figure out how do we serve our members really well. If we've got incredible content, then we see if we can do a small price increase. They're always small! If the consumers are okay with that, then we can invest more in the content.
Q. 你認為國際市場準備好這波費用調漲嗎?
You know, it varies quite a bit country by country, depending on how well we're doing and if we have the content that people find are amazing. When we're able to raise rates, then we're also able to do more content, so it's a virtuous cycle.
Q. 你從這段經驗中學到了什麼?
Yeah, I mean all shows are global, and so it's trying to figure out when we do a show like Kingdom in Korea that it can be really a global show. We've got shows that come from Japan. We'll have more and more from the Philippines over time. In every nation, there's a great tradition of storytelling and if you can capture it on film then we can really share it with the world.
Q. 觀看Netflix這些亞洲影片的用戶,超過一半來自海外?
Yeah. Yeah. In other words, it's producing content here and that's being watched in Europe, in the States, in Latin America. I mean, you know, everyone wants to understand other parts of the world and our Asian content gives a glimpse into the rest of the world.
Q. 請談談Netflix的無限制請假政策?
Well, internally with employees, we're very generous because employees are often doing their best work on vacation. They're thinking! When you're in a creative workforce, you don't really turn off. When you leave the office, you're often mulling around the different challenges: How can you be really creative? Where should a storyline go? In the negative case, it's working around the clock, and the positive case, it's so joyful that you enjoy going to work, just like part of your life.
收錄於英語島 2019年5月號