「什麼都好,時尚必須結合現代科技」--時尚老佛爺Karl Lagerfeld

Chanel藝術總監Karl Lagerfeld因病逝於巴黎的消息,讓無數人驚愕悲慟。作為人們心目中時尚代表的他,總是熱衷觀察世界變化的每一秒,這就是全能鬼才Karl Lagerfeld走在潮流尖端,甚至掀起時尚風潮的秘訣。

Before you read

Karl Lagerfeld
1933年9月10日 — 2019年2月19日


香奈兒藝術總監,縱橫時尚界60多年,卡爾拉格斐曾在1983年Chanel發展低潮時,投身 Chanel 一舉將品牌地位拉抬到時尚精品的高點,成為時尚圈傳奇性的人物。


2004年Karl Lagerfeld帶領精品時尚的Chanel與平價快時尚品牌 H&M 攜手合作,精準在第一時間抓住市場消費者的品味動向,靈敏的商業嗅覺與藝術鬼才兩不相誤的他,受到業界同行崇敬。


永遠的黑墨鏡、皮手套與低馬尾,再搭上全套黑西裝,這樣的打扮成為Karl Lagerfeld的代名詞。卡爾以不變應萬變的形象展現給世人,時尚設計上卻從不設限,總是盡情展現時尚變化萬千的華麗面貌。


身為時尚巨人的Karl Lagerfeld,也是個不折不扣的貓奴,奢華的寵貓方式更是讓人驚嘆,不僅帶著貓咪Choupette乘坐私人飛機,還聘專屬侍女來照顧Choupette,並曾玩笑說:「如果可以,我想和自己的貓結婚!」



Q. What inspires you? 

Everything. I am what people call a voyeur. I look at everything. I remember everything. I can redo things my way because a bad idea of somebody else can give you a good idea. I am like a building with an antenna that captures everything. I want to know everything. I read every magazine. I want to be informed. I think that's exciting about fashion. You look at paintings from whatever century, but you can only date them by the clothes. That means fashion is important.


Q. Are there any subjects or genres that do not interest you?

You never know where good photography is. I love to do architecture. It's interesting for a designer to do photos, because if not, you are isolated in your studio after you do a collection. Doing photos, doing advertising, you meet with other people. You are not isolated. The worst thing in fashion, which was the case with couture in the past in France, is the ivory tower. I think that's like a cemetery. I am very much against it.


Q. What's the role of couture today?

Somebody once said that couture was dead when someone closed their house. Apparently, it's not really true, because, in fact, there are more clients for couture than there were 20 years ago. The clients look like models. They could buy ready-to-wear and buy it because some of the ready-to-wear today has the prices of couture in the past. There are so many new worlds and so much new money. They're interested in it because they discover it.


I think couture has a real reason to exist in a limited way, like Chanel or Dior, because they have a real couture house organization. Small designers who don’t have a real organization should do expensive ready-to-wear, because couture is not just the same dresses made-to-order, but it’s also the presentation, the fittings, the whole thing that goes with it. There is something mythical about it that cannot be improvised. You can make very good clothes at home on a limited scale but a real couture organization…there are very few left.


Q. How important is it, do you think, to leave Paris for a collection?

It's very important to do it in a very special way, because today, everything is shown on the Internet and on television. When you have a show with only a girl coming out of the door, crossing a runway, it's OK for fashion freaks but the public get bored very quickly. There has to be some magical surrounding. That's why I went to Scotland to this castle where Mary Stuart was born, and it was quite a magical moment. To do the opposite, next time, in a year, I will go to Dallas.


You know why? First of all, I love Texas. I love Texans. There's another reason. When Chanel reopened, the French press was beyond nasty. The only press that understood it immediately was the American press, and Neiman Marcus gave her the Oscar for her collection, so I think it's a nice thing to go there.

你知道為什麼嗎?因為我愛德州,我愛德州人!另一個原因是當可可.香奈兒決定重新開業,法國媒體非常不待見,甚至可說是態度惡劣,唯一立刻表態支持的是美國媒體。此外,當時達拉斯的Neiman Marcus也頒了奧斯卡表揚她的時裝系列。所以,我認為我們有很好的理由去那裡辦時裝秀。

Q. Indulge us in a little bit of nostalgia. Tell us about Paris in the 70s and 80s and fashion.

The 80s were very different from the 70s. I prefer to forget about the 80s. In the 80s, I lived in Monte Carlo most of the time…because Paris with Mitterrand was not the most exciting place, either. The 70s were great in a way because it was careless, it was free… as long as you were young. It had something unpretentious. It was not about money. You never heard about money. Today you hear too much about money. We need it, but as a subject, it's not very funny. There was no red carpet, there were no 200 bodyguards for famous people. The cool thing was light, young, improvised and fresh. Today things are all overorganized.


Q. Ten years ago, we talked about celebrities' impact on fashion. Ten years later, that's proven not to have been a passing fancy. What do you think the celebrity impact has been on fashion? Has it been good on fashion, bad for fashion?

I don't know if it has had an impact on the fashion department for the clothes, but certainly for the beauty and the fragrances, because the girls are great. You must admit. I can understand that everyone wants to look like them, but here's another thing: You talked about couture. If you give an actress a couture dress a woman had ordered, they cancel the dress in a second. Perhaps they are afraid that the husband compares and thinks that Nicole Kidman looks better in the dress, but I don't know. That's a very strange thing, no? The public who looks at television is impressed by the red carpet. The women who are in a kind of competition on the money side, who buy the dresses, don't see it the same way. But that's only limited to couture.


Q. What are Karl Lagerfeld's three, or four, or five, steps to success?

It's a whole staircase. I try to pay attention not to fall down, but with my black glasses it's not easy, because in fact I am shortsighted. To go down the staircase, I don't need it, and to go up I don't need it either, so I prefer to keep my glasses to watch everything, and make an effort not to fall. I think, step by step, sometimes you go two steps back, that's a healthy thing. Nobody has a one line career like this. That doesn't exist.


Q. Do you think technology and the speed which things can happen today and the speed to market has enhanced our industry or to some degree has spoiled it?

Oh, no, no, no. We couldn't do without it. Fashion has to use everything that's going on in modern technology; if not material or whatever. If not, it would be something from another area. Oh, no, no, no. Fashion is the same thing as everything else, like cars, and every kind of industrial more or less industrial products. There's nothing bad about that. I think it's very interesting, it's very exciting; and the materials we have today are 100 times better than the modest materials that were who sold as modern and interesting in the 60s. If you touch the clothes of the 60s, they were horrible.


編輯/Sybella Liu

收錄於英語島 2019年3月號
