food traditionally associated with black people of the southern U.S. (n.) 黑人靈魂菜
前菜 entrée
fried or smothered chicken 炸雞或黃燜雞、 fish 魚肉、pork 豬肉
配菜 sides
stewed greens 燉菜、black-eyed peas 黑眼豆、candied yams 糖烤地瓜
主食 staple
cornbread 玉米麵包
飲料 beverage
red drink 一種紅色的飲料,被形容為 liquid soul 靈魂液體
甜點 dessert
banana pudding 香蕉布丁、sweet potato pie 地瓜派、 cobbler 厚皮水果派、pound cake 磅蛋糕
2. comfort food
food that provides consolation or a feeling of well-being, typically having a high sugar or carbohydrate content and associated with childhood or home cooking (n.) 療癒系食物:吃了就幸福
吃了能起到療癒內心、讓人感到幸福的 食物,泛指 comfort food,通常和懷 舊記憶有關聯,或是和某段文化、地 方、人物有高度聯結性的食物。
3. food for thought
something worth thinking seriously about (n.) 精神糧食
Hey, that cool idea of yours the other day has been good food for thought. 嘿,前幾天你那個很酷的想法很值得思考。
a pub that specializes in serving high-quality food (n.) 餐酒館
結合了美食 gastronomy 跟酒吧 pub 的餐廳叫 gastropub,這種餐 酒館一掃過去酒吧給人東西不美味 的刻板印象,gastropub 提供精緻 的餐點、良好的用餐氣氛以及高品 質的酒精飲料。
5. signature dish
a recipe that identifies an individual chef or restaurant. (n.) 招牌菜
簽名 signature 通常帶有個人鮮明的特 徴,招牌菜、特色菜就是用這個字,有些 餐廳也會稱 chef's choice主廚推薦、 chef's special 主廚特餐。
6. camera eats first
The term refers to how people "feed" their cameras first by taking photos of their food before feeding them- selves. (ph.) 相機先吃
漂亮的食物上桌,開動前 先拿出手機拍照上傳,就 是camera eats first!
7. Gatorade
a superfuel sports drink (n.) 佳樂得運動飲料: 曾為美校園的午餐標配
一種非碳酸性的運動飲料, 最初是提供給運動員飲用,更有人會拿來當解酒飲料, 它曾是美國中小學營養午餐的熱門飲品,但近年不斷強調健康飲食,越來越多學校已禁止這類含糖飲料進入校園。
8. highway food/ road food
food that is easy to eat while driving, such as a burger (n.) 公路美食
美國人對公路旅行多半都有種浪漫的情懷,可以邊開車邊吃 的美食 highway/road food 多半是漢堡、熱狗、炸雞。
9. foodporn
images that portray food in a very appetizing or aesthe (n.) 罪惡美食照
10. hangry
hungry+angry=hangry (adj.) 餓到生氣
when someone becomes irritated, angry, or cranky when they haven't eaten and are hungry 牛津字典認證:真的有「餓怒」。
11. finger-licking good
when something is so deliciously awesome that you have to lick your fingers upon finshing it to get the full extravagance of the taste (adj.) 形容吮指回味的好吃
This chicken wing is finger-licking good. 這雞翅真的好吃到都在舔手指。
12. food literacy
understanding the impact of your food choices on your health, the environment, and our economy (n.) 飲食素養
13. food stamps
a government-issued coupon that is sold at little cost or given to low-income persons and is redeemable for food (n.) 美國糧食券
這是一項美國政府的救助計劃,價格低廉, 專門用來兌換食物,官方的名稱叫做「營養 補充援助計劃」(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)。
本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 夜市裡的英文課 2019年06月號
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