「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

Minecraft虛擬圖書館 打造線上自由之地?


英語島希望大家不只是讀文章,而是有意識的知道「讀什麼」以及「怎麼讀」。在Reading Lab這個專欄,我們希望大家利用「PKS」這個方法,在閱讀前、中、後做不同的功課。閱讀前先預測(predict)這篇文章的重點;閱讀中畫出關鍵字(key words);閱讀後用英文做一段摘要(summary)。



In many authoritarian countries where news sources and books are censored, the video game "Minecraft" is not. To protect the work of journalists like the late Jamal Khashoggi in places where authoritarian governments routinely censor independent media, the nonprofit Reporters Without Borders has unveiled a stunning new library, hosted virtually within the world of the popular video game Minecraft.

在許多獨裁國家,新聞來源及書籍都遭到監控,不過Minecraft這款遊戲並不在監控範圍中。在一些獨裁政府時常審視獨立媒體內容的地區,為了保護如已故記者哈紹吉(Jamal Khashoggi)*的採訪成果,非營利組織無國界記者推出一座嶄新的圖書館,而這座圖書館的位置在世界知名的遊戲Minecraft中。

The project, called "The Uncensored Library," was organized for the World Day Against Cyber Censorship by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), a press freedom NGO that tracks censorship, legal action against journalists, and disinformation.

這個專案名稱為「非審查圖書館」(The Uncensored Library),由非政府組織無國界記者針對世界反對網路審查日而打造,這個組織追蹤審查機制、針對記者的訴訟行為以及假情報。

RSF said that it chose "Minecraft" because it is available in many more places than sensitive information likely to be censored. For example, Yulia Berezovskaia, editor-in-chief of the Russian news site grani.ru, which is blocked in Russia, said she's working with RSF to republish articles from her website on "Minecraft."

無國界記者表示,他們選擇 Minecraft是因為可取得這款遊戲的地方,比起會審查敏感資訊的區域多。舉例來說,俄羅斯新聞網站grani.ru主編 Yulia Berezovskaia表示,grani.ru這個網站在俄羅斯會被封鎖,但她正跟無國界記者合作,將她的文章重新發佈到Minecraft上。 

Inside "The Uncensored Library," users can find books with censored content from five countries: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Mexico, Russia, and Vietnam, in addition to the RSF World Press Freedom Index and reports on current press freedom in 180 countries. Users can read the stories, but they can't change them. Reporters Without Borders will add more books to the library as governments continue to censor reporting.


Minecraft declined to comment.


Minecraft has been one of the most popular games worldwide over the last 10 years. As of September, it had a staggering 112 million active players every month, a number that has reportedly grown to 145 million.



*哈紹吉(Jamal Khashoggi)為沙烏地阿拉伯異議記者與專欄作家,2018年時在沙國駐土耳其大使館遭殘忍殺害。


2.美失業補助申請破兩千萬件 多到要機器人來幫忙


參考資料:Business Insider, Popular Mechanics, Reuters, Fast Company, CNBC


本文收錄於英語島English Island 2020年05月號
