「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠


Reviewed by Max Power 

Mad Men is a show about advertising and Public Relations (PR) geniuses of the 1960s, grounded heavily in the philosophies, trends, and experiences of the decade. The story constantly outdoes itself and is defined from start to finish by its brilliant cinematography, flawless acting, and crisply logical writing that always observes the principles of societal interaction. This and many other excellent things await you in time spent with Mad Men. 

Mad Men draws a lot of attention to how much society has changed and how aware we are of that. Anyone who works in fields that require influence or marketing will find the ideas of the industry openly at play in the story, which uses the lens of advertising to show us social history. Mad Men shows us how different women's expectations about life were in the 1960s, in addition to how they were commonly treated and viewed in business. We are shown how vile, commonplace, and accepted racism was at the time, as well as many other often forgotten challenges of the time period. Gorgeous, meticulous shots and directing filled with metaphor and depth define our view into this often forgotten era. 

Mad Men's characters are constantly limited and challenged by the societal views of morality and proper behavior that have come a very long way, and changed massively, since the 1960s. The show takes pleasure in illustrating this with razor sharpness. The main characters are each designed to show us many different layers of 1960s American society. Attitudes and norms commonly held in the 1960s are repeatedly called into sharp focus -- particularly racism, feminism, adultery, the social attitude towards homosexuals, and antisemitism (social hatred and judgment of Jewish people, a freakishly common fixture in America at the time and still sometimes today). 

Mad Men has sharp, well-written dialogue that suits its dark, progressive stories. Through the defining presence of the era's prejudices, ideals, and the related social revolutions, Mad Men focuses on questions of identity, social presence, and personal grace. Its stories often relate in terms of PR and public perception, which establish parallels in our own methods of crafting our identities. We come to see how "PR" is a constantly present force in our lives, even in terms of our own social decisions. Witty dialogue showcases some of the most truly progressive content on television. The characters smoke so constantly that it shows us not only the characteristics of the era but the horror of our species' own health choices in bygone days. 

Watching Mad Men, the viewer is given a clear picture of where modern marketing culture has its roots. The characters' views of themselves and ways of interacting with the world are always shown in parallel with the everyday business of 1960s marketing and ads. One will come away from Mad Men educated about how advertising functions, what American culture was in the 1960s, and where modern American culture comes from. Mad Men has a tremendous ability to show protagonists fighting against cultural norms in the "run-up" to the counter-cultures that have come to define the modern United States, as well as showing us how they relate to our own stories in the present and, lest we forget, why those battles were fought. 

agency 廣告公司 
drop by 順道拜訪 
deal with 處理 
account 客戶、案子
a hundred bucks 很狼狽 
ad man 廣告人 
Madison Avenue 麥迪遜大道 
It’s toasted. 烘焙過的 


本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 美劇無字幕料理 2019年02月號


