為何Keep Mum是保持沉默?10個實用英文狀聲詞
有同事告訴Jean說她懷孕了,最後又補上一句:“Keep mum.”
Mum聽起來就像人叫媽媽(mom),但不要以為“Keep mum.”指的是她從此保持在媽媽的身份上。Mum是silence(安靜),意思是保持沉默,不要跟別人說。
“Seal up your lips and give no words but mum.”閉上嘴巴,啥也不說,除了保持沉默。
有了這句,於是“Mum is the word.”就從提取出來,用在提醒別人保持沉默。“Mum is the word.”又經常簡化成“Mum’s the word”,這和媽媽的話一點兒都沒有關係。來看用法:
It’s not official yet, so mum’s the word. 這還沒有正式公布,先不要講出去。
I don’t want anyone to know that I’m leaving my job, so mum's the word!我不想讓人知道我要離職了,所以先別洩露秘密。
1. Don't bang the door. 別摔門。(Bang是砰一聲)
2. The car behind started beeping at us. 後面的汽車開始對我們鳴喇叭。(Beep是嗶一聲)
3. I've been buzzing around town all day sorting out my trip. 我整天都在市區跑來跑去,忙著安排行程。(Buzz原來是蜜蜂嗡嗡的聲音,衍伸為迅速匆忙移動)
4. He clicked his fingers at the waiter. 他對著服務員打了個響指。(click是卡嗒一聲)
5. The glass cracked when I poured icy water into it. 當我把冰水倒進杯子時,杯子裂開了。(crack是碎裂的聲音)
6. The breeze murmured in the pines. 松林裡微風沙沙作響。(murmur是喃喃自語)
7. The girl groaned in pain. 那女孩痛苦地呻吟著。(Groan是呻吟聲)
8. The big guns boomed in the distance. 遠處大砲聲隆隆作響。(Boom是隆隆作響)
9. She clapped the door shut. 她啪地一聲把門關上了。(clap是啪的一聲)
10. She burst into giggles. 她突然咯咯地傻笑起來。(giggle是咯咯笑)
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