「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

那些經典的small talk lines

Small talk的力量也藏在許多電影當中,這些簡單的日常對話不僅能塑造不同角色之間的性格差異,製造故事的張力,有時甚至能夠喻示後續的劇情發展,在電影中可說是不可或缺的元素。

戀夏五百日 (500 Days of Summer) 

Key: 用共同興趣及稱讚破冰。

電影《戀夏五百日》中,男主角Tom與女主角Summer在電梯裡初次相遇,而這時Summer聽到Tom的耳機裡傳出來的音樂,忍不住跟他閒聊了一下,幾秒鐘的small talk就讓Tom對Summer一見鐘情。

Summer: I love the Smiths.

Tom: Sorry?

Summer: I said I love the Smiths. You… You have a good taste in music.

Tom: You…like the Smiths?

Summer: [Singing] To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. I love them.

鬥陣俱樂部 (Fight Club)

Key: 用周遭的環境建立雙方的連結。

《鬥陣俱樂部》的主角兼旁白(Narrator)在出差的飛機上首次遇見了神秘的肥皂商人Tyler Durden,Tyler坐在靠窗的位子,手上拿著逃生指示卡,唸出上面的文字,接著轉頭主動詢問主角要不要換位子,看似只是平凡的small talk,卻是之後劇情轉折的一大暗示。

Tyler: “If you’re seated in the emergency exit row and you feel that you would be unable or unwilling to perform the duties listed on the safety card, please ask the flight attendant to reseat you.”

Narrator: It’s a lot of responsibility.

Tyler: Wanna switch seats?

Narrator: No, I’m not sure I’m the man for that particular job.

愛在黎明破曉時 (Before Sunrise)

Key: 用剛剛發生的事引起對方共鳴。


Jesse: Do you have any idea what they were arguing about? Do you speak English?

Celine: Yeah. No, sorry. My German is not very good. Have you ever heard that as couples get older, they lose their ability to hear each other?

Jesse: No.

Celine: Well, supposedly, men lose their ability to hear higher-pitched sounds, and women eventually lose hearing on the low-end. I guess they sort of nullify each other.

逃出絕命鎮 (Get Out)

Key: 用彼此的共同點開啟話題。

驚悚電影《逃出絕命鎮》中,男主角Chris陪女友Rose回郊區的老家拜訪家人,正好遇到家族的年度聚會,身為聚會上唯一的黑人,Chris感到相當不自在,後來發現另一位與他年紀相仿的黑人Logan,便立刻上前與他閒聊,卻發現對方的言行舉止相當詭異,且他的伴侶Philomena是一位與他年紀相差甚遠的中年白人婦女。一場簡短的small talk就加深了劇情的張力與懸疑。

Chris: Good to see another brother around here.

Logan: Ah, yes. Of course, it is. Is something wrong?

Philomena: There you are! Oh, hello! I’m Philomena, and you are?

Chris: Chris, Rose’s boyfriend.

Philomena: Fantastic. You two make a lovely couple.

Chris: Thanks.

Logan: Oh, where are my manners? Logan, Logan King. Chris was just telling me how he felt much more comfortable with my being here.



本文收錄於英語島English Island 2021年1月號

