「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

精選書評:The Camper Book



作者:Dave Hoekstra(前芝加哥太陽報專欄作家)
出版社:Chicago Review Press Incorporated

  • 為什麼那麼多人瘋露營?本書作者開露營車行遍美國,特寫不同露營者的故事。
  • 對於不習慣閱讀英文的人,這是一本能真正讀完、充滿真實故事的英文書。
  • 除了生動的故事,本書也分享了許多實用的露營技巧。

文章難度: ★★★☆☆


“When you are camping, you become a participant. You have no choice.
You can get involved with nature, bond with a neighbor,
or discover something within yourself during a quiet moment.”



“Every camper van needs a name.” Dave Hoekstra named his Ford cargo van Bluebird, in honor of his parents. Between 2016 to 2017, He traveled nearly 24,200 miles (39,000 km,) covering twenty-four states. He picked and built Bluebird, hit the road, and narrated the real “Moveable American Dream” happening on the campsites.

「每台露營車都需要一個名字。」Dave Hoekstra把他的福特廂型車取名為Bluebird,紀念愛鳥的父母。2016到2017之間,他開著Bluebird跨越美國24個州、兩萬四千兩百多英哩(將近三萬九千公里)。他挑選、打造出Bluebird,到正式上路,記述一個個營地與真實上演的「移動美國夢」。


The author and Bluebird spent time at several beaches, in the snow in Minnesota, New Orleans French Quarter (Yes, you can camp here). They encountered people from couple camp owners who turned the vacant wasteland in Missouri to a modern retro campground, to the travel nurse who traveled every three months to work for a different hospital in need while homeschooling the kids. They can be “downsizing material goods while upsizing spiritual pursuits” or simply a RV enthusiast.



Throughout the book, there are also tips including “Basic Trailer Types for the Beginner”, cold weather camping tips, “Amp wisdom” to avoid damaging your breaker and cord, and selected campgrounds. Just like the introduction says, “Hoekstra provides a delightful mix of oral history, in-depth reporting, and practical information.”






文/ Nikki Lu

本文收錄於英語島English Island 2018年10月號

