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For many years, human-like characters have been created to fool people's eyes. Most of them failed and died out, leaving only a creepy feeling called "uncanny valley" to many. The concept of uncanny valley refers to the feeling of discomfort we experience when we're facing artificial figures that try to mimic a real human but fail.
Recently, several virtual influencers on Instagram have veered off from the territory of uncanny valley for many people, showing that the boundaries between the fake and the virtual are becoming increasingly blurred.
矽谷最火紅的虛擬網紅-- Lil Miquela
(photo credit © Instagram @lilmiquela)
One of the most famous virtual influencers is Lil Miquela, who was introduced in 2016 by Brud, a Los Angeles company backed by Silicon Valley. She has now more than 1.6 million Instagram followers and more than 80,000 people stream Lil Miquela's songs on Spotify each month. In May, 2019, Lil Miquela stared alongside the supermodel, Bella Hadid, in a campaign video of the fashion brand, Calvin Klein.
當今最火紅的虛擬網紅就是Lil Miquela,於2016年誕生,由矽谷資助的洛杉磯科技公司Brud,所創造的虛擬角色。她現在已經有超過160萬名Instagram粉絲追蹤,而且每個月也有超過8萬名聽眾在Spotify上收聽她的歌曲。今年5月,Lil Miquela與時尚超模Bella Hadid一起在Calvin Klein的宣傳廣告同台演出。
最真實的虛擬時尚模特兒 -- Imma
(photo credit © Instagram @imma gram)
With a K-Pop aesthetic and Japanese influence, a Japanese virtual model named Imma went viral. She has now her own Instagram and Twitter pages that have garnered thousands of followers thanks to her trendy clothing and lifelike photos. Imma is considered one of the most realistic virtual influencers on social media.
Imma showed up on the February 2019 cover of the Japanese computer graphics magazine, CGWorld. According to the creator of Imma, CG company ModelingCafe, the reason why Imma looks so lifelike is because her 3D animated head is transposed onto a real-life body and background.
肯德基爺爺化身虛擬帥哥 -- KFC Colonel Sanders
(photo credit© Instagram @Kentucky Fried Chicken)
Recently, KFC introduced a new CGI version of the brand ambassador Colonel Sanders on social media, instead of having a famous actor to don the white suit.
最近,肯德基在社群上推出了CGI動畫製作的新版品牌形象大使 -- 桑德斯上校(肯德基爺爺),而不是找知名真人演員來套白色戲服演出。
His creators consulted an inspiration board plastered with photos of human Instagram celebrities to generate the mash-up that became the new Colonel. "It was our opportunity to poke a little fun at the advertising world that we're a part of," said Steve Kelly, KFC's digital and media director. "But the love around virtual influencers is very real."
製作團隊從貼滿了真人IG網紅的板子上獲得靈感,再從中拼湊出新版的肯德基爺爺。「這是我們對廣告業界開個大玩笑的好機會。不過,大眾對虛擬網紅的喜愛卻非常真實。」肯德基數位與媒體總監Steve Kelly說道。
#參考資料:The New York Times, The New Yorker, Bazaar, Izea, Vox, Elle, Glamour, Engadget, My Modern Met
本文收錄於英語島English Island 2019年8月號
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