「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠


1. Recap句子-釐清主體與動作

在接收英文訊息時,千萬別忘了所有句子中最基本的必要元素:主詞 + 動詞。試著從下面這個句子中抓到重點。

 A huge shopping revolution is happening in China right now



A shopping revolution」+「is happening




2. Recap段落-善用「關鍵字」

在一個完整的段落中,通常都會有要傳達的主要概念,我們稱作「關鍵字」,「關鍵字」往往就在各段落的開頭,因此,留心開頭的句子能讓你在段落理解上事半功倍。下面我們從Angela Wang的TedTalk中擷取其中一段,試著用你的話簡述這個段落所描述的主軸,留心「關鍵字」。

Then there's a consumer's need for ultra-convenience. A couple of months ago, I was shopping with a friend in Tokyo. We were in the store, and there were three to four people standing in front of us at the checkout counter. Pretty normal, right? But both of us dropped our selection and walked away. This is how impatient we have become. Delivering ultra-convenience is not just something nice to have. It is crucial to make sure your consumer actually buys, and in China, we have learned that convenience is really the glue that will make online shopping a behavior and a habit that sticks. 

(消費者渴求「超便利」的生活。幾個月前,我和朋友在東京逛街。 我們在一家店裡,前面排了三、四個人在等著收銀機結賬。很正常對吧?但是我們兩人都放下了挑好的東西,離開了那家店。我們變得如此沒有耐心。能有超便捷的快遞不僅好,它還是消費者購買與否的真正關鍵。在中國,我們學到便利才能真正把網購行為變成固定習慣。)


不難發現,這段英文的主旨就在描述「Ultra-convenience」。在Recap這段英文時,你可以利用「It's about…」或「It talks about…」作為描述的開頭,像是:

It talks about「ultra-convenience」


…we have learned that convenience is really the glue that will make online shopping a behavior and a habit that sticks. 




3. Recap全文-3個結構、5個步驟

在看到一場演講時,我們可以先用分析英文作文的方式拆解演講的內容,將講稿分為引言(Introduction)、主體(Body)和結論(Conclusion) 3個基本結構。然後再利用5個步驟(從引言找主旨、Scan專有名詞、掌握關鍵字、利用關鍵字發問、整理重點與總結)來組織我們的Recap。現在,讓我們試著依循這樣的脈絡來做一次全文的Recap。

結構 I.引言 (Introduction)

A huge shopping revolution is happening in China right now. Shopping behaviors, and also technology platforms, have evolved differently than elsewhere in the world. For instance, e-commerce in China is soaring. It's been growing at twice the speed of the United States… (中國現在正進行著購物的革命性的巨變。其購物行為和技術平台的演變,已有別於世界上其他地方。舉例來說,電子商務在中國持續高漲,以美國成長速度的兩倍攀升中…) 

步驟1. 從引言找「主旨」


A huge shopping revolution is happening in China right now. 


步驟2. 抓出專有名詞


Shopping behaviors (消費行為)

technology platforms (科技平台)

E-commerce (電子商務)


結構 II. 主體(Body)

One of the trends I have seen concerns the spontaneity of shopping. Five years ago, in a fashion study, we found that on average, a Chinese consumer would be buying five to eight pairs of shoes. This number tripled to reach about 25 pairs of shoes a year… 


… We have observed the same level of spontaneity in everything, from grocery shopping to buying insurance products. But it is not very difficult to understand if you think about it. A lot of the Chinese consumers are still very new in their middle-class or upper-middle-class lifestyles, with a strong desire to buy everything new, new products, new services. And with this integrated ecosystem, it is so easy for them to buy, one click after another... 


… So ultra-convenience and spontaneity, that's not the full story. The other trend I have seen in China is social shopping. If you think of social shopping elsewhere in the world, it is a linear process. You pick up something on Facebook, watch it, and you switch to Amazon or brand.com to complete the shopping journey. Clean and simple. But in China it is a very different thing… 


… It is chaotic, it is fun and it's even a little bit addictive. This is what's happening when you have this integrated ecosystem. Shopping is embedded in social, and social is evolving into a multidimensional experience. The integration of ecosystems reaches a whole new level. So does its dominance in all aspects of our life. And of course, there are huge commercial opportunities behind it… 

(… 這(整個購物體驗)混亂、有趣,甚至讓人上癮。有了整合過的生態系統就會這樣,購物被包裹在社交行為裡,而社交提升為多面向的體驗。整個的生態系統的整合達到一個全新的層次,以致支配了我們生活的各個面向。想當然,這背後有著龐大的商機…) 

步驟3. 掌握「關鍵字」

當演講進到通篇的主體(Body)時,講者通常會開始說明並解釋幾個主要的概念,這裡通常是「關鍵字」的所在。在全文主體所包含的兩個段落中,我們可以找到「Spontaneity of shopping」、「social shopping」以及「ultra-convenience」三個在中國觀察到的趨勢。

 One of the trends I have seen concerns the spontaneity of shopping.


So ultra-convenience and spontaneity, that's not the full story. The other trend I have seen in China is social shopping.


步驟4. 利用「關鍵字」發問

在對全文內容稍微有概念之後,我們可以試著用「關鍵字」反問自己問題,這不但能加深你對議題的印象,也能確認自己是否理解文中的概念。例如,問問自己「What is it about?」或「Why would it happen?」,當然不一定每個問題都能從接下來的演講中找到答案,但保持問題意識能幫助我們在聽講的過程中更有架構的掌握訊息。 

結構 III. 結論 (Conclusion)

These are only fragments of the massive changes I have seen in China. In this huge laboratory, a lot of experiments are generated every single day. The ecosystems are reforming, supply chain distribution, marketing, product innovation, everything. Consumers are getting the power to decide what they want to buy, when they want to buy it, how they want to buy it, how they want to social. It is now back to business leaders of the world to really open their eyes, see what's happening in China, think about it and take actions. 


步驟5. 整理重點與總結:「引言」+「主題」+「結論」



The speaker claim that...

a huge shopping revolution is happening in China right now.


She found three trends...

 “Spontaneity of shopping”, “Ultraconvenience”, and “Social shopping”.


In the end of the talk, she mentioned that... 

It is now back to business leaders of the world to really open their eyes, see what's happening in China, think about it and take actions.



