a) 退化
b) 頭昏腦漲
c) 威嚇
Sitting for long hours brings about health hazards, including sore necks, muscle a) degeneration, and b) foggy brains. Fortunately, some simple desk stretches 1) work like a charm and help to keep you 2) in the pink.
The Elbow Pump You can do this one while sitting. Touch your opposite shoulder blade, and then gently grab your elbow, and pull it towards the opposite side.
扳手肘 坐著便可以做,以手碰觸另一側肩胛骨,然後輕握手肘,朝另一側拉動。
The Toe Toucher While sitting, straighten your legs, and reach out to try and touch your toes.
碰腳尖 坐時伸直雙腿,雙手伸出,試圖搆到腳趾。
The Ballerina Lift your arm over your head and reach towards the opposite side. Remember to keep your back upright.
芭蕾舞 將手舉起,越過頭朝另一側伸展。記得背部挺直。
The Backwards Clap Put both of your hands behind your back with palms touching, and push out your chestas though you're trying to c) intimidate the coworker across from you. Hold this pose for 5 seconds.
背後拍 將雙手放到背後,手掌互碰,挺起胸膛,就好像你想威嚇對面的同事,一次維持5秒。
The I Don't Know Raise both of your shoulders at the same time. Hold for 5 seconds, and then release. As you bring your shoulders down, say, "I don't know."
不知道 雙肩同時聳起,維持5秒,然後放鬆。放下肩膀時,說「不知道」。
The Bobble Head Lean your head down, and rotate your neck from left to right. Remember to goslow, and, ideally, hum a song so you don't look appear weird.
旋轉頭 低下頭,由左向右轉動,記得緩慢進行,最好哼首歌,才不會看起來怪怪的。
Touch the Sky Interlock both hands, and try your best to touch the sky, with palms facing the ceiling. Hold for 5 seconds.
頂天 雙手相扣,盡力向上伸展,手心朝著天花板,維持5秒。
The Proposal Get down on one knee to the floor and one knee bent, as if you were about to propose to your co-worker, and slowly lean forward. Hold for 5 seconds. Switch and repeat.
求婚 單膝下跪,就好像你即將向同事求婚,身體緩緩向前傾。維持5秒。換另一隻腳。重覆該動作。
Push the Wall Find a wall, and, with one arm at a time, press your hand into the wall while turning your body away until you feel a stretch in your shoulder.
推牆 找一面牆,一次一隻手臂,使力以手推牆,同時身體轉開,直到覺得拉到肩膀肌肉。
The High Kick While sitting, extend one leg, and hold for 2 seconds. Then, try and lift that leg as high as it can go, and hold for 5 seconds. Be careful not to kick the desk under you, though.
高踢 坐時伸出一隻腳,維持2秒,然後試著將腳抬到最高點,維持5秒。但須留意避免踢到下方桌子。
1) work like a charm 十分奏效
The new manager's method is working like a charm, as all the problems are gone. 新經理的方法宛如魔咒,所有問題迎刃而解。
2) In the pink 身體健康
Mary eats lots of vegetables and fruit and works out every day, so she is always in the pink. 瑪麗攝取大量蔬菜水果,而且每天運動,因此總是身強體健。
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