「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer

現代建築的光影魔術師--I.M. Pei貝聿銘


Before you read

I.M. Pei
1917年4月16日 - 2019年5月16日


貝聿銘是華裔美籍建築師,被譽為「現代主義建築的最後大師」。1979年他設計了約翰甘迺迪圖書館(John F. Kennedy Library),此建築公認為美國建築史上最佳傑作之一,為此他獲得了美國建築師學會(AIA)金質獎章,而後在1983年,獲頒建築界最高榮譽的普利茲獎(Pritzker Prize)。






Success is a collection of problems solved.

Architecture is the very mirror of life. You only have to cast your eyes on buildings to feel the presence of the past, the spirit of a place; they are the reflection of society.

I understand that time has changed, we have evolved. But I don’t want to forget the beginning. A lasting architecture has to have roots.


節錄自2010年由英國皇家建築師學會皇家金獎(RIBA Royal Gold Medal)釋出的訪談影片。


I am always fascinated by the West. It's not so much the education that I was looking to. I'm looking forward to seeing something entirely new. In all my life, I lived in China. I've never been outside of a very small confined area, so it's only natural that I would fancy myself going somewhere far away. I had my wish. I would say that the modern movement was very much ingrained in me because of the personalities that I associated with. I consider myself the second generation after Gropius, Speer and Otto. I thought I was very fortunate to be able to learn from these masters, but they turned out to be more than masters to me, turned out to be friends.


[註] Walter Gropius為國際現代建築的先驅、包浩斯學校創立者;Frei Paul Otto對現代建築的張拉膜結構的改造貢獻良多;Albert Speer為二戰希特勒的御用建築師,擅長大型公共建築及城市規劃。


When you think about urban renewal, you're not thinking about buildings. You're thinking about how to heal the wounds, so you have to be young and altruistic. I was then.


Kips Bay Plaza 基普斯灣廣場:1963年,美國紐約

Kips Bay is very important to me because I had nothing to show at that time in New York. At that time, Kips Bay was a very different area, a very poor neighborhood. In the very beginning, we looked upon Kips Bay not as a single piece of architecture, but as an organic whole to create a community.


Photo credit: Wikipedia

Society Hill Towers 社會山塔:1964年,美國費城

Philadelphia Society Hill at that time was a dilapidated area and that was a very good example of what urban redevelopment can do, I remember. It really took combination of civic and professional leadership. Society Hill luckily had it.


Photo credit: Wikipedia


The East Wing of the National Gallery of Art in Washington國家藝廊東館:1978年,美國華盛頓

John Russell Pope, who did the original wing of the National Gallery, set the standard for all of us to look at the new classic. The East Wing, I would say, is a break from that tradition, and how to make that break and not lose the connection was my challenge. I never wanted to be a revolutionary, and I like to evolve along those lines. I wanted somehow the two to join.



(photo credit: National Gallery of Art)

Louvre 羅浮宮玻璃金字塔:1989年,法國巴黎

I think the East Wing was a new building, so therefore, I think that, in the East Wing, I was free to create, and make the connection really underground. The Louvre was a project where I had to take into consideration for its long history, so the challenge was very different. I think that the making of the public space was a challenge for the Louvre. The Louvre before that is just a scattering object. On the Parisian scene, I tried to join them together to make it whole. In some ways, the public space, where the pyramid is, was really the challenge. It was a challenge! I think that I did something there which at least tells you what Louvre is today.


(Photo credit: Shutterstock)


It started with such promise, just like his life. As time went on, it fizzled. Yes, it was built. How long? 14 years. During those 14 years, the name Kennedy went up and came down. Can you imagine? Only 14 years! In the beginning, there were nickels-and-dimes from children that filled coffers within a matter of months. Toward the end, very few people even interested in it. We went all over the eastern seaboard, looking for a local site. In the beginning, everybody wanted us. Toward the end, we were turned down; Harvard even turned us down. Finally, we ended up in south Boston. It shows you something about memory: People's memories very short.


約翰甘迺迪圖書館(John F. Kennedy Library),被譽為美國建築史上傑作之一。
(Photo credit: Shutterstock)

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