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“I’m pretty human.” 不凡的企業,「平凡」的CEO
photo credit: Shutterstock
Before you start
Robert “Bob” Iger
艾格獲選時代雜誌2019年百大影響力人物。彭博集團創辦人Michael Bloomberg給予其高度評價「華特・迪士尼喜歡說,成功建立在4個 “C”之上,好奇(curiosity)、自信(confidence)、勇氣(courage)、和貫徹(constancy),目前沒有比艾格更能體現這些特質的人了。」
艾格身為迪士尼的門面,往往需要對許多爭議表態。例如主持人Rosanne Barr發表種族歧視言論後,艾格無視虧損下令終止節目;當美國喬治亞州通過《反墮胎法案》,艾格揚言拒絕到該地拍片;然而,10月初NBA的挺港言論風波,卻傳出迪士尼旗下的ESPN體育頻道禁止員工談及中港議題。另外,對於近來迪士尼樂園員工低薪、生活品質惡劣的新聞,艾格未曾正面回應。在這些議題上艾格展現截然不同的態度,不免讓人困惑。
節錄自紐約猶太青年組織92nd Street Y的座談會:
Robert Iger with Oprah Winfrey — The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company
…It was the Grand Floridian Hotel. I’ve stayed there a number of times so I immediately knew the beach that it took place on. And then we went into crisis mode, and immediately determined that a family had been on the beach. Matt and Melisa Graves were the parents with two kids, a daughter and a son named Lane. An alligator at dusk was prowling the shores. Then the boy had a pail that he filled with water to play with sand toys, and the alligator attacked and took him. I think it was less than a day later when they recovered the body and confirmed that obviously he was gone.
...事件是在Grand Floridian 飯店發生的,我在那裡住過幾次,所以馬上辨認出事發的海灘。接下來我們就進入危機處理模式,立即確認受害的Graves一家當時在海灘上,父母Matt和Melisa、帶著女兒和小兒子Lane。一隻短吻鱷當時正在海灘覓食,Lane拿著水桶和玩具在海邊玩沙,遭到鱷魚攻擊,不幸罹難。約莫一天後搜救員找到孩子的遺體,也確認了他的死訊。
That was on a Wednesday, and on Thursday, which is the day we’re opening the park, I decided a few hours before the opening that I needed to first put out a statement from me. I didn’t want an unnamed corporate spokesperson to say something about it. I wanted it to come from a person with a name and a face and a job, and that was me. I took full responsibility.
Well lawyers are typically trained to reduce a company’s exposure from a liability perspective, but our general counsel, a man named Alan Braverman, someone I’ve worked with closely since 1992, is a lawyer and a businessman, and a human being. When I went to him, Zenia Mucha, who is our head of corporate communications, said I need to put out a statement. They immediately understood that. There was no resistance. I think companies often face that kind of resistance. I have not found that.
一般來說,專業律師會避免一間公司在企業責任上被放大檢視的機會。但我們的首席法律顧問Alan Braverman,是律師同時也是位富有人性的生意人,我從1992年起便與他合作至今。當我們向他諮詢時,企業傳播主管Zenia Mucha贊同我必須發表聲明,Alan的全體團隊也馬上理解並表示同意。我認為企業面對這種決定時多少會有些疑慮,但當時公司並沒有人提出異議。之後,艾格決定致電家屬。
After telling them who I was and where I was, I immediately said that I’m a grandfather of four kids and a parent of four children. I could not fathom what they were experiencing and what they were going through.
…And then I said, “If there’s anything I can possibly do for you, our team is right there. We have a great crisis team there. If there’s anything I can possibly do for you, here’s my number. Please let me know.”
And Matt Graves, the father, said to me… He was amazingly composed. And he said, “Yes, there’s something I’d like you to do.” I said, “What is that?” And he said, “I want you to promise me that you will do everything possible to prevent this from ever happening to another child, so that my son Lane’s life will not have been lived in vain.”
孩子的父親Matt Graves當時真的非常理性,他說:「有,有幾件事我希望你能做到」,我說:「是什麼呢?」他說:「我希望你保證盡其所能地,不讓這悲劇再次重演,這樣我兒子Lane就不會白白犧牲了。」
Yes, as an extension of wanting to put a human being behind the big company, I thought I should give them the ability to meet with me personally to either express more, if they wanted to. And for me to give them an update on what we had done.
The relationship got really frayed, and happened over a variety of circumstances, tough negotiations, some battles on the creative side, the clash of egos, the shift of leverage, you name it. I thought the relationship was critical to Disney in particular because animation is so important to the Walt Disney Company. So when I got the job, when I was named, I didn’t know Steve well, but I called and said, “I’m the new CEO. I’d love to come see you and talk about the relationship.”
And it’s a typical Steve question “How long have you been the number two of Disney?”. I said “Five years.” and he said “Why should I think you’re going to be different than the guy who was in the job and I didn’t like?” And I said, “Well, I’d just like a chance to prove that I’m different.” And he said, “Well, when the dust settles, come up.”
交友謹慎是蘋果創辦人賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)的特質之一,艾格是他少數深交的朋友。此通電話後,兩家公司的關係漸漸改善,也培養了兩人的信任。
We looked at Twitter because we liked the technology and the platform to reach more people in more modern ways. And we thought we could basically send folks our stuff, both marketing and full-form television and movies. But when we got into it more, we realized the responsibility to manage a business like that in today’s world with all the influence, both good and bad, was too great for the Walt Disney Company to take on. And I thought ultimately it would harm our image. And frankly, I didn’t want to have to deal with a lot of those problems. I could not take them lightly.
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本文收錄於英語島English Island 2019年11月號
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