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進入本文前請想一想, 這些單字英文怎麼說: (A) 造成轟動 (B) 可逆的 (C) 家禽
"It sounds a bit (1) far-fetched, considering that autonomous cars are still largely in the testing stages, but Lyft is just one of many companies saying that 2021 will be the year that these vehicles finally get out on the roads (2) en masse." Besides that, electric vehicles will rise to near 4% of all car sales in the US and 5% in Europe that year.
You've been hearing the term a lot, but VR hasn't exactly (A) been a blockbuster. IDC forecasts that shipments of virtual and augmented reality headsets will rise to about 92 million in 2021, which would be nearly 10 times as many as shipped out last year.
A company called Contraline is developing a form of (B) reversible male birth control that doesn't require surgery. "Contraline claims it has come up with a 'polymer hydrogel' that is implanted in the vas deferens - in just a few minutes with the help of an ultrasound - and is meant to block the passage of sperm for years. In April, Contraline announced that it had raised $2.2 million toward its goal and that it aimed to have a product on the market in 2021."
一間名為Coraline的公司正開發可逆式、不需手術的男性避孕方法。 「Contraline聲稱已研發出可植入到輸精管的『高分子水凝膠』,可阻擋精子通道數年,且只要利用超音波,幾分鐘即可完成。今年4 月,Contraline宣佈將2021年販售這款產品,並為實現目標募資220萬美元。」
A company called Memphis Meats plans to sell its lab-raised, animal-free chicken by 2021. The company says it has "grown pieces of chicken and duck sans animals in its lab." It doesn't involve killing any (C) fowl during development.
一間叫Memphis Meats的公司計畫於2021年前販售實驗室培養的「無雞雞肉」,他們聲稱已在實驗室裡不靠動物,培養出雞肉塊和鴨肉塊。這樣的養殖方式不需要殺死任何家禽。
The number of people using the internet will go up from 3.3 billion today to 4.6 billion within four years. That would be more than half the world's population.
Solar power is already comparable price-wise to coal in countries like the US, Italy, and Germany, but a recent report predicts that by 2021, solar power will be cheaper than coal in China, India, Mexico, Brazil, and the UK.
1. Far-fetched 牽強
A far-fetched story.
2. En masse 全體;一致
雖來自法文,但在英文中很普遍, 注意唸法是/ɒ'mas/。
Her supporters arrived en masse for the rally.
文/Nikki Lu
本文收錄於英語島English Island 2017年12月號
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