「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
猜猜看「You gave a good pitch.」是什麼意思?一次搞懂pitch用法
- 我們要做一個sales pitch
- 練習一下elevator pitch
- 你的pitch不對…
1. You gave a good pitch.
Sales pitch是「銷售術語」,說服別人買產品;Elevator pitch「電梯遊說」,是在共乘電梯那樣短時間裡把一個產品或創意說清楚,比喻「言簡意賅、鏗鏘有力」。
有一個片語叫make a pitch for,是「努力爭取」:
- She made a pitch for the job but she didn't get it. 她努力爭取這份工作,但沒有成功。
- The salesman stood at the door, pitching his products. 推銷員站在門口,極力推銷他的產品。
- I'd like to pitch you a couple of my ideas, if you don't mind. 你不介意的話,我想向你介紹我的幾個想法。
2. Let’s pitch in.
Pitch in是指「開始或投入做某件事」。也有「幫忙、支援」的含意。這用法大家可能不熟,多看幾個例句:
- If we all pitch in together, it shouldn't take too long. 如果我們齊心協力,那並不需要很長的時間。
- My boss pitched in with an offer of help. 我老闆主動提出要幫忙。
- Everyone at the office pitched in to buy a gift for the soon-to-be-wed couple. 辦公室裡的同事一起出錢買禮物給即將要結婚的新人。
3. He speaks at a lower pitch.
- I am bad at singing. I’m never on the right pitch. 我唱歌不好聽。我的音高從來都不準。
- If you teach children and adults in the same class, it's difficult to get the pitch right. 把孩子和大人放在同一個班裡教,就很難完全找出適合學生的難度和他們的興趣。
A teacher's got to pitch a lesson at the right level for the students. 老師必須把課程的難易度定得與學生的水準相符。
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