「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

過海關別回答I Don’t Know!—實用應答策略


1. Passport and arrival card/ customs form please. 請出示護照和入境表/海關申報表。

Here you go. 在這裡。

2. Where are you flying in from? 你從哪裡飛來的?

From Taiwan. 台灣。

3. What’s the purpose of your visit? 來本國的目的是?

I’m here to visit a friend / to study / to transfer / for business / for tourism. 我來拜訪朋友/讀書/轉機/出差/觀光。

4. Where will you be staying? 你會住在哪裡?

At a hostel. 住在青年旅館。 / At an Airbnb. 住在Airbnb。

5. What’s the address of the hotel you stay? 你入住的飯店地址為?


6. How long will you be staying in the country? 你計畫在本國待多久?

For a week. 一週。

7. What do you do for a living? 你的職業是什麼?

I’m a tattoo artist. 我是一名刺青師。

8. Do you have family here? 你有家人在本國嗎?

Yes, my aunt. 有,我阿姨。/ No, I don’t. 沒有。

9. Do you have any other acquaintances in the country? 你在本國有認識的人嗎?

I have a friend in xxx city, but I’m not planning to visit her. 我有個朋友住在某某城市,但我這次沒有要拜訪她。

10. Are you traveling alone? 你一個人旅行嗎?

Yes, I am. 是的 / No, I’m traveling with a group. 不,我跟團。

11. How much currency are you carrying? 你帶了多少貨幣?

I have $1000 cash on me. 我帶了1000元現金。 

12. Do you have anything to declare? 你有什麼要申報的嗎?
No, nothing. 沒有 / Yes, I have filled out the form. 有,我已經填好申報表了

13. Who packed your bags? 誰幫你打包行李的?

I did. 我自己。

14. Have you been here before? 你有來過本國嗎?

Yes, I was here last year. 有,去年來過。 / No, It’s my first time. 不,這是第一次。

15. What’s your final destination? 你的最終目的地是?

This is my final destination. 這裡就是我的最終目的地。/ My final destination is London. 我的最終目的地是倫敦。



本文摘錄自一張圖搞懂 世界一流公開課 2019年08月號
