「服務他人是你住地球應該付出的租金。」– 穆罕默德‧阿里 (拳擊手)
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth." -- Muhammad Ali, Boxer
英語便利店 春假優惠

相信AI能改變世界的創投之神---Masayoshi Son 孫正義

Artificial Intelligence(AI)人工智慧正蓬勃發展,各行各業的趨勢都離不開AI議題,但我們對AI的觀感是什麼呢?成立願景基金Vision Fund的日本軟銀集團創辦人孫正義投注大量資金支持AI發展,全心相信AI能改變全人類的未來、治癒癌症等解決現階段無解的問題,甚至縮短人類的工時,建立更好的生活基礎,即便他的願景基金在2019狂虧七千億日圓,仍無法阻擋他持續投資的決心。

Before you read

Masayoshi Son








孫正義在 2017 年成立願景基金Vision Fund,是有史以來全球最大的科技基金,最初以募集1,000億美元為目標,投資有前瞻性的新創公司,幾乎全球所有共享交通領域的新創(Uber、滴滴、Grab)都是其投資項目,亦收購世界各地年輕企業。



日前軟銀宣布成立第二支科技基金「願景基金2」(Vision Fund 2),規模高達1,080億美元,專注投資AI項目,預計出資的投資者除蘋果、微軟和多家日本銀行外,鴻海集團也在投資人名單之列。然而,願景基金在2019因投資Uber與WeWork虧損甚巨,導致願景基金2首波資金並不理想,諸多報導稱孫正義恐走下神壇,且大量投資AI將加劇AI產業過熱問題,各界都在關注孫正義的下一步。


Q: And that's been a focus of yours I know in terms of where you're investing. I think you've said AI will be the biggest revolution in human history. Why?


A: Because, you know, under us there are many living beings. But mankind has been the best, most-- smart and powerful-- which affects everything on the Earth-- with the premise that mankind has the smartest intelligence. But finally mankind has invented by ourself something that could be smarter than ourself in many aspects. So, you know, mankind invented tools. The tools made cultivation for farming and so on. But there was the premise that mankind's brains are always smarter than the tools that we control. Finally the tool may be becoming smarter than ourselves. So that means whatever we have been using tool for industrial society-- paradigm-- a big paradigm shift is happening. And everything should be redefined. Every industry will be redefined.


Q: So if AI is going to become a million times more powerful than it is right now-- I can only -- well, it's hard to imagine. How do you see?


A: Well, within 30 years-- definitely-- things will be flying. Things will be running much faster without accident. We will be living-- much longer, much healthier. So the disease that we could not solve in the past will be-- cured.


Q: And that will be thanks to AI?


A: Yes. Of course, definitely. So the disease-- there are many diseases like cancer and so on-- which could not help millions of people's life. The cancer would no longer become-- the disease that we should be afraid of. Because of the artificial intelligence, it will solve--the issues that we could not solve.


Q: And do you believe that's within our lifetime?


A: Yes. Definitely. I don't know who-- whose lifetime. But-- in the next 30 years, I definitely think that-- it's happening. The-- we have the mobility with-- automobiles and-- so on. But there were lots of accidents. Millions of people die because of accidents. That would no longer be the case. Autonomous driving and autonomous flying..., all those things. Today we are-- driving ourselves. That would no longer be the case. So that-- AI would make the transportation-- to cause zero accident in the end.


Q: ...there's a debate about AI. I mean, Elon Musk for example-- is very concerned that it will be used not for good but for perhaps evil, or that we'll get to a point where the machines control us, our robot overlords. You don't think that?


A: I'm an optimist, okay. There will be always be an issue. There always have been an issue. But we-- mankind is smart enough. We always try to adapt to the new situation. You know, only 100 years ago, just 100 years ago, the occupation, the jobs, 90% of the workers' job was farming. And today in advanced countries like U.S., Japan right, it's only 5%. Only 5% of the people's job is-- farming today. 90% now became 5%. Now when it become 5%, what happened to the job? People still have many other exciting job, creative job.


Q: So this world that you've described and your ideas about how we're going to get there, what of your investments whether at Softbank or within the Vision Fund best encompasses sort of this view?

What-- of the many names-- companies that you own a piece of or all of do you feel sort of best reflects and benefits from the world that you seek?


A: All of-- the 70 companies that we have invested in in the last year and a half with the Vision Fund-- they are all AI-centric, okay. They're all using the power of AI-- for the evolution. And they're fantastic companies. Many-- companies-- are going to have IPO in the next-- two, three years. That's the only one thing I'm focused on now. So we are investing $100 billion just on one thing, AI.


Q: How does WeWork-- how does WeWork fit into that with the power of AI?


A: My view, it's a working-- community, okay. WeWork-- with-- almost half a million-- members right now, they have the community graph. So if you are-- a start-up company for example and have-- the wish to provide a new product, you need the designing of the product. You need the packaging. And pack-- also packaging need the designing. And-- you need an accountant. When you start shipping product-- you need lawyer for patent application. So you need many things. That's outside of your own employees' expertise that you want to get. But throughout-- WeWork membership, they can help each other. They can come in the same office, share from New York, from Boston, and meet and help each other among WeWork members. And like Amazon, it gives the recommendation with the power of AI. So if the recommendation of the product can be done with the power of AI, the recommendation of meeting the other people within the-- WeWork membership can be done. So it will be much more productive, much more enjoyable.


Q: But right now, they're losing money.


A: But-- it's an ongoing recurring revenue. It's like a subscription. You know the subscription of-- magazines or a newspaper and now Netflix. Netflix is still losing money, but the value of the company is tremendous compared to other media companies.


Q: Why are you so willing to take so much risk, and have been, even though you had what people would describe as a near-death experience, so to speak, 19 years ago?


A: Because I'm a believer. I am definitely a believer of-- the technology. Some people don't like technology as an investment thesis. I love it, I believe in the technology.



本文收錄於英語島English Island 2020年02月號
